Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Great Need of This Hour...

[I'm looking forward to a Seminar on "The Great Need of This Hour". It's going to be a condensed version of a series of 3 messages - People who Understand the Times; Hear what the Spirit is saying; What the Spirit is saying about the Church. We are getting the full blast of the extended version at the teachings on Fridays now... Full blast indeed... it's the kind of message that causes your heart to tremble. A good kind of trembling...

I'm praying that I will respond in faith and not just stop at the trembling and erm... hide... or get in a frenzy of sorts.. or worse, internally running away (cos it's gonna to be hard or impossible in my sight) yet externally functional as a believer... know what I am talking about? Oh how I want to overcome my weaknesses...May I burn and shine in such times - a feat that is only possible if I keep looking at God, not at myself or what I can do... Give me dove eyes! Give me understanding! clarity! courage! strength in my inner man... that even when there is fear, I have the courage and utterance to speak!]

CP: Am F C G

Your word has striked my heart
Your word has striked my heart
And I tremble
And I tremble

And I looked within myself and I stumble
And I looked within myself and I fall

So I lift my eyes to You in the heavens
And I lift my voice to You and I cry...

Chorus 1:
Your grace is sufficient
Your love sustains me
I gaze upon Your beauty
And my mind it stays on You
(And my eyes they're fixed on You)

Until until... Your word lives in me
Until until... Your love burns in me (wholeheartedly)

Chorus 2:
I will love You Lord
With all my heart
I will love You Lord
With all my soul
I will love You Lord
With all my strength

This is my pledge
Come reign in me
This is my pledge
Take all of me

Your grace is sufficient for me, for me...

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