Thursday, November 15, 2012

What makes your heart leap?

When my friend reminded me over the phone that the Global Bridegroom Fast in December is going to be a week-long (instead of the usual 3-day long during the first week of every month), my heart leaped within me and I exclaimed "yay!!!"

I was actually quite surprised that I was joyful, instead of thinking... "oh I'm going to be hungry for 7 days..."

I turned to God and excitedly began to think, "oh, what shall I bring to You, Lord... these seven days...each day I will bring you something!" It felt like I was invited to something.... to draw near... and thus my immediate response was "what shall I a gift, as an offering..." Just like if you were invited to a birthday party of a good friend, you'll think of a gift to bring :)

Before I even began to think of the actual tangible things I can bring and do - e.g. first day, bless someone with a gift, second day, give a love offering to God etc... then God prompted my heart...

2 Chronicles 16:9 ~ For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

1 Sam 16:7 ~ For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

Yes... He is looking at our hearts...

With tears in my eyes, I responded to Him..."Yes Lord, I know You are looking at our hearts...I will bring to You a heart that is...

Surrended - all I have is Yours..
Pliable - always receptive to what God has to say, even the most outrageous thing!
Devoted - coming before Him in loving meditation
Pure - no other gods but Him!
Extravagant - pouring out my love to Him, like what Mary of Bethany did...
Intense - may zeal for Your House consume Lord.... Psalm 132
Burning - may I be faithful to You through all seasons... set my heart ablaze for You..hotter and hotter each day!

3 to 9 December 2012 here I come!!
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