Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I will waste my life on You...

[Songs from the prayer room...]

I will waste my life
I'll be tested and tried
With no regrets inside of me
Just let me find I'm at Your feet (2x)

It's all about You, Jesus
It's not about me
Or what I can bring

It's all about You, Jesus
Come and take my offering
Come and take, take all of me

Grow Up =)

["Grow Up!" That seems to be the most valuable advice we can give others and even ourselves, not in impatience, but in a loving tone. I remember the cherished people by my side who have ever gently said that to me. I appreciate these words, and keep them close to my heart. Here's something from Alice Smith's Insight]

Who would you call in a spiritual emergency? Do you have an Elijah--someone whom God has placed in your life as a mentor and role model? Although God provides us Elijah, in due time, we learn that we must not continue to lean on them. God gives us mentors for a reason; but he also gives those mentors for a season. His ultimate intention for us is to stand on our own. The day will come--if it hasn't already--for you to leave the safety and security of the nest and fly.

Consider the partnership of Elijah and Elisha. Three times Elijah made plans to leave; and three times Elisha replied, "As Jehovah lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you." He admired and emulated Elijah. He didn't want his friend and mentor to leave. But there would come a time when Elijah would have to go (see 2 Kings 2:13-25).

At some point like Elisa experienced, your Elijah will have to leave. It is painful but predictable, and it's God's plan. You needn't refuse to release your Elijah, or else you will forfeit your full Kingdom potential.

When Elijah ascended in a chariot of fire, Elisha found himself alone. He returned to the Jordan River, which is symbolic of death and separation. "Crossing Jordan" means death to the old and birth to the new opportunities and responsibilities. Your Jordan experiences are those in which you must take the responsibility to walk out what your Elijahs have taught you. When you are alone, the Jordan, once a very familiar place, now seems overwhelming and impossible to cross.

Some wrongly conclude that troubles dissipate when one becomes a Christian. Not so. God does not remove trouble but He empowers us to overcome in the midst of it. After all, without trials there would never be triumph. There is no victory without war and there is no war without an enemy. Strangely, trouble is our friend. Trouble brings us to total dependency upon Christ. Prepare to cross your own Jordans, to confront your own giants and to gain your own victories.

The usual response to trouble is to say, "I can't." But we fail to realize that our tests are tailor-made by the Father (1 Cor. 10:13).

Wasn't God the God of Elisha as He was the God of Elijah? Even though it seemed overwhelming, Elisha was ready to cross the Jordan alone. And we must make the same journey too.

It's important when faced with trouble to keep our focus on Christ. When we focus on our trouble, all of our strength goes to the problem rather than the solution. At that point, we are not only afflicted by trouble but we are distracted from our communion with Christ who is the Source of our strength. Intimacy with Christ is where you will find the strength to stand. You are to stand in faith, walk by faith, and live by the faith of the Son of God (see Eph. 6:13-14; 2 Cor. 5:7; Gal. 2:20).

In 2 Kings 2:15, we read that "a company of prophets from Jericho were watching Elisha." Inside your heart you long to trust God for the extraordinary. But people are watching. You wish someone else could do the work for you. The thought may come to you as it probably did to Elisha, Where is my Elijah when I really need him? Amazingly, if you will press in and be true to the call of God, regardless of your feelings of insecurity and inadequacy or your lack of faith, the Lord will prove Himself to you.

In 2 Kings 2:23-25 we find Elisha being jeered by 42 young people at Bethel. Bethel means "the house of God." Yes, even Christian friends and family may mock your faith or your passion or the level of your commitment. When I was a newly saved teenager, older Christians said, "Alice, after you've been saved awhile, you'll settle down." Today, after more than 42 years, I am more passionately in love with Christ than ever!

Shortly after I began writing my first book, Beyond the Veil: Entering Into Intimacy With God Through Prayer, a Christian leader told me that I was foolish to think that I could write a book. That statement so intimidated me that I shelved the book for 10 months. However, I couldn't shake the fact that the Lord had spoken to me to write this book. In Christ I found the courage to begin again, and Beyond the Veil has become a best-seller. Yes, even in the Church you will find your critics. And its possible that those who have walked with you for years may leave you if the commitment level becomes too difficult for them.

Are you at your end of your endurance? Have you been feeling the need to quit? Don't do it! Your extremity of need is God's opportunity. Stand on His promises. In His time He will disclose the truth and validate you. The fight is not yours, the battle is the Lord's! Practice what the Elijahs in your life have taught you. Put on the mantle of prayer, stand confidently in Christ and stop looking back for your Elijah to do it for you. Jesus Christ is more than enough!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Who's Number One?

[Something I found on the internet on Who's Number One? http://www.sermoncloud.com/pastors-edge/whos-number-one]

Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said to him, “ ‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’

Before we get into the first commandment, you need to understand that these laws were not given to the Nation of Israel as rules for a relationship with God. These laws were given as a reflection of a relationship with God. You don't keep the Ten Commandments in order to have a relationship with God; you keep them because you do have a relationship with God. The Ten Commandments are not rules for religious people; they are guidelines for God's people. They were meant for God's family.

As our sons began to grow up, we established certain rules in our home: do your homework, don't talk back to your mother, make your bed, and be home on time. I did not give these rules to my kids so they would be my kids; I gave these rules, because they were my kids. These rules simply reflected how I wanted my kids to behave.

Now you will see why the first commandment is not only the first commandment, but it is foundational to the other nine, because if you don't get the first one you will never get the other ones. In the first commandment, God is not saying, "If you want to have a relationship with Me, this is what you have to do." He was saying, "If you have a relationship with Me, this is what you want to do." The first commandment forces us to answer the question, "Who's Number One?"

[It's like God is saying, I did not ask you to love me so that you will be a lover of God. I commanded you to love me because you are a lover of God! So the first commandment is about our identity as a lover of God!]

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Be-attitudes in Luke 6 & Matthew 5

LUKE v17
"And He came down with them and stood on a level place with a crowd of His disciples and a great multitude of people..."

[v20-26] Our attitude towards Circumstances
- a worldly or kingdom perspective?

[v27-38] Our attitude towards People
- be Christlike!

[v39-45] Our attitude in Ministry that will sustain you
- be Christlike, learn to see clearly, be honest with yourself, guard your heart.

[46-49] Attitude towards God

Matthew 5
v1 "And seeing the multitudes, He went up on a mountain, and when He was seated His disciples came to Him. 2 Then He opened His mouth and taught them..."

[Matt 5,6,7] How to grow the fruits of the be-attitudes and measure them.
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