Sunday, November 22, 2009

When You Called My Name...

[So often we come before God's presence, so un-awaken and un-aware of His deep love and longing for us. We get caught up with the "do-ing" and lost sight of the "be-ing". Thanks be to God! He watches over us and reminds us of who we are, and calls us - the people of One Thing. More than that, the touch and presence of the God who calls us overwhelm us - re-aligning us to what is in His heart and strengthening our resolve to run the race set before us...
It is not about which ministry or church we are in... it's about God's people of One Thing - Psalm 27:4, Luke 10:38-42, Phil 3:7-14 - people who have this DNA and living it out in faith and obedience, wherever they are, whatever God has called them to do...]

This is who I am
This is the reason I live
The reason I breathe

How can I forget?
How can I run away?
You are always watching over me

There is a stirring in my heart
There is a fire burning
My heart awakens... when You called my name

What is this striving, O my soul?
What is this unrest within me?
When all You want is my heart, my love

I am alive! No longer living-dead
I am captivated! No longer going through motion
Stir up a passion for Your Name, I pray

You came and gently touched my heart
You spoke and called my name
Awakening zeal, passion, fire in my heart

Once again I turn to You
Once again I say I am Yours
Falling in love with my Beloved, my Bridegroom King, all over again

When You called my name
When You drew near
Nothing else matters

Everything fades away
Everything pales in comparison
This is who I am... when You call my name

You breathed, and the world came into being
You spoke, and my spirit stirred within me
I will arise, and run with You

Draw me away
Draw me close by Your side
We will remember Your love more than wine...

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