Monday, April 09, 2007

I will follow you!!! erm... let me think again...

Ever wondered why Peter denied Jesus?

Yes, he denied Jesus, not once, not twice, but thrice...

Even the rooster was counting down...
John 18:27 "Peter then denied again; and immediately a rooster crowed."

Omigosh... Pete... how could you... one day you said you would follow him, another day stress comes, off you go in the other direction. How can like that? What's wrong with you?!!

There's nothing wrong with Peter actually... Many claimed he was too boastful and confident in his own commitment to follow Jesus. Perhaps he did it out of devotion to Jesus... But Jesus saw his heart (that loves God) and spoke to him forthrightly:

John 13:38 "Then Jesus answered, "Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!"

Let me run you by Peter's profile... But before that, I just want to say this - I think I like Peter! He was bold, brash, and enthusiastic. He didn't always think before speaking. He wasn't always faithful, and sometimes fearful, but he has a good heart and loved Jesus. He was not afraid to be transparent before Christ ("I will lay down my life for you!!").

Alrighty, here's more about Pete:
1) He was the first to begin preaching to the gentiles.
2) Father: Jonah (John 1:42)
3) Spouse: Unnamed (Matthew 8:14)
4) Brother: Andrew (John 1:40)
5) First mention: Matthew 4:18
6) Final mention: 2 Peter 1:1
7) Meaning of his name: Simon means "hearing;" Peter means "rock" (Greek) Cephas means "rock" (Aramaic)
8) Frequency of his name: Referred to 183 times
9) Biblical books mentioning him: Nine books (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, 1 Peter, 2 Peter)
10) Occupation: Fisherman and apostle
11) Place of birth: Bethsaida in Galilee (John 1:44)
12) Place of death: Tradition says he died in Rome.
13) Circumstances of death: Tradition says he was crucified upside down.
14) Important fact about his life: He was one of the chief apostles and author of two New Testament books.
15) He and John were the first to visit the tomb where Jesus laid; Peter was the first who entered it. (John 20:1-10)
16) On the day of Pentecost, Peter, as the spokesman of the apostles, preached that remarkable sermon which resulted in the conversion of about 3,000 souls.
17) Temperament: choleric
18) Christ in Peter: From impulsive, unsteadfast, slow of heart to understand the mysteries of the kingdom--to one, in the book Acts--firm and courageous, ready to go to prison and to death, the preacher of the faith, the interpreter of Scripture.

How did Peter respond when he realised that he denied Jesus?

Like all flesh and blood, Peter broke down and wept... At the end of himself, realising his human frality, he wept...

Mark 14:72 "Immediately the rooster crowed the second time. Then Peter remembered the word Jesus had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows twice you will disown me three times." And he broke down and wept."

But the highlight of it all, is how Jesus restored Peter, as seen in John 21. Read already can cry...

1) Jesus came to Peter where he was v1
2) He did a miracle and opened their eyes to see Him v6
3) Peter ran away from Jesus (v7 "Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it), and plunged into the sea.")
4) Jesus spoke to Peter tenderly (v15 “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?”) Jesus helped Peter realised that he (Peter) actually loved Him. Jesus did not say... Peter, will you now follow me, or, Peter, will you do this do that? But He said, do you love me....

The rest is history... Peter was restored to Jesus and went on to live for Him and served Him fervently.

Take heart and know that God sees your heart, your heart that says "I love You, Lord..."

1 Samuel 16:7 "... The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

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