Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Writing Songs to Him...

It's such a wonderful experience to be able to write songs that express your heart to God. I've had many 'accidental' encounters when I was just practising on my guitar and the songs would just come... and I'll quickly reach out to my handphone and start recording.

I would get so addicted to such encounters that I would pester God to give me more.. especially melodies from heaven. I would listen out to Him constantly and be an eager beaver to pick up any new melody that He would put in my thirsty heart.

I recently played my latest song to my guitar coach and asked him for feedback and possible areas of improvement. He said the song was ok and suggested a chord change which made the song sound more right (I actually played a chord but sang in another pitch! haha). He also showed me how he would sing a certain portion of the song. Gosh, with his vocal power, he could pull off the song in a different dimension. I also want!! So much to learn!!

He also said that if it's a song for personal devotion, the song I wrote is ok. But if it's for others to sing along, say in worship, or slated to be a recording on a CD, songs generally will have to be improved / packaged quite differently.

Then he said, usually people would write about ten songs or so, and then a good one may come out of them. As in it's a 10:1 hit. Then I started counting the number of new songs I've written... and it's about 10! Most are closet songs, some are not quite 'there' yet and some I just can't pull it off with my vocals. I especially like the latest one on "Be magnified", as it aptly expresses what's on my heart. I'm sure God likes it too. Quite sure. ^_^ I like to sing it till I'm lost in love and I'll play those mysterious chords that I don't even know what they are, but they sound (quite) ok.

Oh God, may You keep my heart ever pure and simple in devotion towards You... even as I seek to improve my vocals and guitar skills... may I not become so 'sophisticated' that I forget that it's all about You... You are all that I want... You are all I seek to worship and please... And I'll sing to You, from my heart to Yours..

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