Sunday, December 11, 2011

Samuel! Samuel! (1 Sam. 3:10)

Our God is a great Leader. Fantastic. Brilliant.

He is able! Able to lead us, even when we are 'gong gong' (aka blur), in all our sincerity in wanting more of Him. Doesn't He know us well enough and see our thoughts and acts in the secret? And yet, He sees the movements of our heart, the movements of our voluntary love responding to Him, saying "I love You Lord...". Even the faintest, weakest whisper of that, He can hear and His heart is moved. Big time. Songs 4:9. I can't get over this. I don't want to ever get over this - that my Big Mighty God is moved by such a heart like mine - weak and immature as it is, but longing to know and love Him more...

Such is our God we see in the book of 1 Samuel 1-3, one who is able to lead us, even in the most dire state of our conditions and circumstances - seen in Hannah - depicting believers crying out for a breakthrough in the midst of conflict (shame, depression, persecution...); and young Samuel - depicting young sincere believers who seek to know God, set apart for Him and pressing on in faithfulness.

Hannah was surrounded with an impossible physical situation where her womb was barren, as well as a constant critic that made her predicament even more unbearable. Yet she did not turn bitter, but she turned to God... Young Samuel was raised according to God's loving plan for the nation Israel, as a prophet of the Lord (1Sam. 3:20). He stayed steadfast and faithful in the house of the Lord...yielding to God's preparation plan for Him, shutting himself from the lure of good fun that his peers were enjoying at their young age.

In the days of Eli the priest, we see the extreme contrast between his two sons, who were corrupt (1Sam 2:1), and Samuel, who was dedicated by Hannah to minister to God in the house of the Lord. It was a picture of what God is doing now - even in the midst of the darkness of the hour where sin of men abounds, God is preparing, and leading, His own chosen ones in the house of the Lord... to shine in the days ahead. He is a great Leader! My great Leader!

The Wisdom of God seen in three contrasts
Many of us would 'lose control' when the threat of evil looms near. Perhaps we may think "there is no hope" or "what do I do now?". God in all His wisdom, shows us that He is in control even before 'all hell break loose' in our lives. He not only have foreknowledge of what is to come, but has also prepared a 'Plan B'. His plan prevails!

Here are the verses which showed the three contrasts:

1Sam 2:17-18 ~ "Therefore the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD, for men abhorred the offering of the LORD. But Samuel ministered before the LORD, even as a child, wearing a linen ephod."

1Sam 2: 25-26 ~ "...Nevertheless they did not heed the voice of their father, because the LORD desired to kill them. And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the LORD and men."

1Sam 2:34-35 ~ "Now this shall be a sign to you that will come upon your two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas: in one day they shall die, both of them. Then I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in My heart and in My mind. I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before My anointed forever."

God's heart is that none should perish... He gives us umpteen chances to turn to Him. Yet man in their own smarty-pants folly often choose their own paths which seemed right to themselves. The outcome? They get enthralled in a vicious downward spiral of no return.. Yet to those who call upon Him, like the Hannahs, who call upon Him in all faith (and desperation!), like the Samuels, who say, "speak, for your servant hears", God remembers, He encounters us and raises us up, giving us an inheritance that is unparalleled, beyond what we can think or imagine! (1 Sam. 2:8)

Who are You, God?
Three observations of who God is through 1Sam. 1-3:

1) He is a God who remembers... Trust Him! (1Sam. 1:19)
Hannah was an ordinary woman in her time. She was one of the two wives of Elkanah. Her pain and shame of not being able to bear children, led her to pray fervently to the Lord. God allowed an impossible situation in her life (God closed her womb - 1Sam. 1:6) that she may turn to Him. This is unconceivable for human minds to make sense of. Pun unintended.

Yet she laid hold of God and believed that God would hear and deliver her. And the Lord remembered her (1 Sam.1:19). When she conceived, she honored her promise to dedicate her first born - Samuel, to minister to the Lord all the days of his life (1Sam 1:11). After Samuel, she gave birth to 3sons and 2daughters (1Sam. 2:21).

Whatever our predicament, as we turn to God, know that He is a God who remembers... He remembers our heart cry that seeks to love Him, honor Him and serve Him!

2) He wants to encounter us... Wait upon Him!
Hannah was part of God's loving plan. So was Samuel. Even as a child, he ministered before the Lord in the house of the lord. It is interesting to note in 1Sam. 3:7 that Samuel has yet to know the Lord (personally encountered Him). Yet Samuel faithfully stayed in the house of the Lord, ministering to Him, and that includes the opening and closing of the doors of the house too! =)... the very mundane tasks that needed to be done, daily. (1Sam. 3:15)

Many of us may 'do' the spiritual disciplines of christian living - going to church, reading the bible, fellowship with believers, pray, serve Him in ministries, bring our kids to Sunday School etc. But we all need to personally encounter God and learn to hear His voice. God wants to speak to us! May we have the "Samuel! Samuel!" encounters and those of us who have children, to pray for them to have these encounters! Pray and ask God for it. Look out for it! =) If that is what God wants to do, He will surely do speedily as we agree with Him in prayer. Speak to us, Lord! We want to hear Your voice! We want to encounter You and know You intimately...

3) God is looking for a people who will do according to His heart and mind.
1Sam 2:35 ~ "Then I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in My heart and in My mind. I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before My anointed forever."

If God is looking for a people who will do according to His heart and mind, it also means that He will make known His heart and mind to those who seek Him with all their heart! (wow!) He will do it! Say yes to renew our mind in Christ and be transformed in our hearts to be more like Him. Be so connected to the heart and mind of God that we will love what He loves and hate what He hates. Say yes to be a faithful priest - one who knows His heart and mind (wow!) and one who will do according to what is in His heart and His mind (wow!)

Rev. 1:6 "...and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

May our pursuit and lives bring Him pleasure, into all eternity. God in turn, promises to build for His faithful priests a 'sure house, walking before Jesus FOREVER'. Wow! Wow! Wow! Generations that follow will continue in the priesthood, like the sons of Zadok who kept charge of God's house, come near to God to minister to God... (Ezekiel 44:15). They will walk before Jesus. It's forever! Their inheritance is the Lord Himself! WOW!!!!

What more can I say... He alone is our wise Leader. We can trust Him, encounter Him and be near Him, forever! May we have the "Samuel! Samuel!" encounters, hearing God calling and speaking to us, as we wait upon Him. No God, I won't press the snooze button... may I say, "Speak Lord, Your bride is listening!"

Saturday, December 10, 2011

What the House of Prayer means to me...

1) Why House of Prayer and how did all this begin?

I remembered about 8 years ago, when our leader shared what the Lord has called him to do in building the House of Prayer in Singapore, many of us didn't really have a grasp of what it is all about. But we knew it was on God's heart, and said our weak but sincere 'yes' to God.

Over the years, we grew in the understanding of the messages of Intimacy with God and preparing ourselves as the Bride of Christ. In light of the Day approaching, what we are doing here in the House of Prayer began to make a whole lot of sense.

We are living in End-Times! And God is 'insisting' more and more on the necessity of knowing His heart so that we can prepare for the days to come and stand and not be offended or lose heart. When the darkness glooms around, God is raising up Houses of Prayer to bring His light and partner with Him in praying according to His heart and plan and not according to we we feel or what we think... In fact, the House of Prayer will be a sign pointing to Jesus' return. It will be a statement to all that we are living in serious times! The book of Joel lays out clearly how we should respond to God in such times.

If we look around us, we can see that the Holy Spirit is orchestrating a global prayer movement across the nations, as we enter into the days ahead. There will come a time where there will be no answers found in man - be it in science, technology or any invention. But God Himself will be the answer! Like the sons of Isaachar in 2Chron 12:32, we need to grow in seeking God's face, know His heart and what to do in such times, for we will be His voice and light!

2) So what is the House of Prayer all about?

In a nutshell, Isaiah 66:1-2 sums up what the House of Prayer is all about - it's both about a dwelling PLACE for God to tabernacle with men, and about becoming the PEOPLE God is looking for.

It's a dwelling place where the fire on the altar - symbolizing the offering of worship & prayer, that goes on all the time, 24/7.

In Acts 7:49, the apostolic version of Isa 66:1-2, it says
Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
What house will you build for Me? says the LORD,
Or what is the place of My rest?

It speaks of the type of people He is looking for in the building of the House of Prayer. God is looking for a SPECIFIC type of people to partner with Him in a SPECIFIC manner - people whose hearts are contrite in spirit - poor in the spirit and always pressing in and contending for more of God, and who take God's word seriously and would do something about it because they want more of God.

So House of Prayer is both about a dwelling PLACE for God to tabernacle with men and it's also about becoming the PEOPLE He is looking for.

3) Why 24/7? What does it mean to you?

God deserves it. He deserves our all. Romans 12:1-2 says to offer our lives as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him..this is our true and proper worship before God. How does worship look like in the heavenlies? In Revelation Chapter 4, we read about the throne room of God - There is a Throne in heaven and God is sitting on His Throne. He is in control! And worship goes before Him day and night, night and day. Rev. 4:8 says, it doesn't stop!

On earth, it means a few things to me:
* Individually, it means setting my heart to live my life, 24-7, centred around God, yielding to His ways, His plans for me.

* Corporately, it means to gather in sacred assemblies and keep the fire on the altar burning day and night, night and day, 24-7! To worship here on earth as it is in heaven! Intercessory worship that does not stop! Lev. 6:12 exhorts us "And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out."

When I was a young believer, I was always very inspired by how the believers in the book of Acts 2:42-47 live - how they would gather together, grow in the word of the Lord, lay all their possessions at the feet of the apostles so that anyone in need is taken care of. My eyes were also opened to see that they gathered daily with one accord in the temple of the Lord...

I long to be in a community like that, having these three elements as seen in the New Testament Church - the synagogue (symbolising the Teaching of the Word), the fellowship of believers (church / cell group / share group) and the Temple (House of Prayer). Acts 2:43 & 47 tell us, that as they do that, fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done, and many were saved!

As a child of God, I see myself as growing in the word of God, immersed in fellowship with like-minded believers and gathering in sacred assemblies, burning for Him in the temple, as I wait and long for the day of His return.

Friday, December 09, 2011

She requested nothing (Esther 2:15)

God has given us many promises - both to lay hold of (that will come to pass in that Day), as well as to claim even now (in progression)- both individually and corporately. Recently I lost heart. I could not stand up to the accusation I hear - from myself and from the enemy - where is the outcome of promise that God gave me? I knew many of the prayers I pray are received by God and collected in the bowl in the heavenlies, and in the fullness of His time, when the prayers of the saints are complete, He will act. He will surely act.

But I'm losing heart. I told God... I can't go on without seeing any fruit of my prayer in the earthly realm, perhaps not the fullness, but just a glimpse, can? I was being honest with God. Flesh and blood as I am, I was losing heart. Like doubting Thomas I needed to see some tangibles. God, I'm praying in an almost empty room... Nevermind that... I tarried for Your presence... where? when? Perhaps I lost faith, faith that comes from the word of God (Rom. 10:17). So I struggled... cos when I pray, I pray with faith and with my heart... and it is getting into low batt mode :-x

Little did I know that God was encountering me in this struggle. What?! I did not expect an encounter with God to be so 'uncomfortable'. Perhaps I boxed my own understanding of encounter with God as one that is 'nice' and 'heavenly'. And then after the encounter I would drift and cruise in faith. Ya, perhaps sometimes it's like that... but sometimes it's not >_<|||

I was reminded that the greatest reward in building the House of Prayer, in christian living... is not answered prayer. Run that by me again? I'm speaking to myself! Yes, it is not in answered prayer, so shift your focus my dear... No, I still will pray in faith, know what is on God's heart, and lay hold of His promises in all intensity and seriousness. I do it in all soberness and my might because it is on His heart and I partner with Him. Yet, I'm reminded that at the end of it all, my greatest satisfaction and reward is in the Lord - that He knows, that He hears, that He sees, that He is faithful, and He is in control! My God, He is sitting on the Throne... Dan 7:9-14, Rev.4-5. Why am I fretting?

After this reminder, the whole issue over my struggling and looking for glimpse la, answers la, faded away in an instant. I can't believe it. I am just... healed! More than that, I have no other request from God. The Holy Spirit brought to remembrance the verses I read before in Deut. 10:9 and Gen 15:1 - that those who keep watch in the House of the Lord, the Lord Himself is their inheritance. He is our exceedingly great reward all in all! No Lord, I have no other questions... I have no other request from You. I erm, just had some bad case of amnesia lately but the Holy Spirit helped guide me to Your word and the verses kicked in me and woke me from my grappling. Struggle? No issue God. Do you see my dreamy eyes of lovesickness? You are mine! I have no other request...

The book of Esther gives us an allegorical picture of how the Bride of Christ is being prepared to reign in victory with the King in the midst of conflict, spiritual warfare and persecution. Chapter 2 shows God looking for a bride and how He raised up virgins (depicting believers) and started the preparation process. When it came to the time to draw near to the King, Esther's focus was not in any requests she can ask from the King (Esther 2:15). After a lengthy process of preparation (12 months) and the Holy Spirit's guidance, she drew near, in love, and she won the favour of the King's heart. It pleased the King so much that he crowned her the queen. There is a way to 'win' God's heart. There is a way into God's heart, if only we yield to His ways...

And later in Chapter 5, the King said gladly that he would give up to half of his kingdom to her, if she would only ask. This gives us a glimpse of Bridal Intercession - God desires that we come before Him as a lover, as a Bride, in asking for the things on His heart.

My prayer and heart cry is that the believers in Singapore will say yes and walk into the preparation as a Bride of Christ. Weak as we are, with occasional amnesia (arrghh!), may we grow in the very journey He will lead us, individually and corporately, of making ourselves ready for our Bridegroom God.

His way, His timing, His plan... we say yes, we say come!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wait Upon the Lord...

The first thing I would do when I wake up every morning, is to listen out to God's voice - what He is speaking to me, His heart, what He is thinking about, what He wants me to do... On Monday, I woke up to His voice speaking a familiar verse... Wait upon Me, I will give You strength...

Perhaps this verse is too familiar. I thought, ok... this is nothing new... oops! I immediately repented and said yes, Lord, show me Your heart... Even in the familiar and mundane, God can show me new revelation, God can move my heart! Yes Lord, speak Lord, I'm listening...

As I went about the day, I picked up a CD randomly (or so I thought) and played it. My heart moved when the chinese song in the English album was played- 我想 . Same theme as what God has spoken! heh... Since then, it's been on the repeat mode on my CD player... p/s: I can't find the song on youtube..

Later in the day at the House of Prayer, the Lord continued to tease me..."Do you want me to show You something new?" ... knowing well that I'm still not totally over my own thought of what's-new-in-this-verse-that-I-read-so-often... I once again silenced my own thoughts... submit to God! (as if God can't hear them :p ) and said yes to God sheepishly...

In His grace, He refreshed me as I read Isaiah 40. In His love, He gave me this verse because that's what I so needed... He gave me this verse in advanced of what is to come...brilliant God! Loving God! My God!

Circumstances that brought apprehensive thoughts.. feelings of vulnerability... These just swept past me over and over again and they weakened me. I can't pretend these feelings are not there and so gung-ho over them. I wanted to face them head-on, recognise where I am, and overcome by God's strength. Even the most mighty man can become so weak... remember Elijah, Gideon? I clung onto this verse and waited upon the Lord. When the feelings are so real, He strengthened my resolve to press in as I choose to wait upon Him... Here's what I wait upon Him for...

A) Wait upon the Lord... for STRENGTH
Isa. 40:29-31
He gives power to the weak,
And to those who have no might He increases strength.
Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
And the young men shall utterly fall,

Shall renew
their strength;But those who wait
on the LORD
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and
not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.

Strength to live a life that's inside out as God strengthens me deep within...

Strength so that I can develop a strong conviction deep within me based on God's word and not how I feel or what the circumstances tell me...

Strength... just because God said those who wait upon Him, shall renew their strength! I want! I need!!

B) Wait upon the Lord for... REVELATION
Isa. 40:6

The voice said, “Cry out!”
And he said, “What shall I cry?”

As I wait upon the Lord, my heart's cry is for understanding of His heart, so that I can speak forth and proclaim boldly what He is saying. Many times, I think I know, but I really do not know... it's not in me through and through yet... Or I know it cognitively but the knowledge remains but a good concept and not reality in my life? Thus my prayer... what shall I cry?

So I wait in expectation for revelation to strike my heart... and as I diligently pore over His words for "... the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."... and as I seek to live out / apply what is in the word in all discipline and hunger.

The paradox of christian life continues to swirl in my mind - it's 100% God, and it's 100% about us doing something about it...

We draw near to Him (cleanse our hands you sinners, purify our hearts, you double-minded), He draws near to us (Jas. 4:8).

We hunger and thirst, He fills us... (Matt. 5:3-12).

We receive, treasure, incline, apply, cry out, seek, search.... then God will give understanding... Prov 2:1-5.

Yes, I strive, Lord! Yet in You I rest...I wait... in expectation, like an eager beaver... for Who is like You O Lord... to whom will we liken God? Our everlasting God, our Creator God... His power is great, His strength is immense.... Yet He, the same great God, looks upon us, and gives power to the weak.. He increases strength to those who have no might.. more than recharged, I think my fuse will blow! in a good sense ;) Now where's my umbilical chord to the Most High?

C) Wait upon the Lord... for the glory of the Lord to be revealed!
Isa. 40:5
"The glory of the LORD shall be revealed,
And all flesh shall see it together;
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”

The mandate of the forerunners is laid out in Isa. 40:3-5. They are charged to rise up as a voice, preparing the people of God for His coming, for the day where the glory of the Lord will be revealed in a global dimension. Every eye will see it... wow! Like what Habbakuk says in Hab. 2:14,

"For the earth will be filled
With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD,
As the waters cover the sea."

What does this mean? Simply put, we can see the knowledge of God manifesting in the way we live, the way the world is governed, the way business is conducted... every sphere of life will display who He is. Progressively, from now till the Millenial Kingdom and into Eternity...

Isaiah 2:1-3 speaks of how nations will learn the ways of the Lord from Jesus, who will sit as the literal King over Jerusalem in the Millenial Kingdom.

" The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.
Now it shall come to pass in the latter days
That the mountain of the LORD’s house
Shall be established on the top of the mountains,
And shall be exalted above the hills;
And all nations shall flow to it.
Many people shall come and say,

“ Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD,
To the house of the God of Jacob;
He will teach us His ways,
And we shall walk in His paths.”
For out of Zion shall go forth the law,
And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
He shall judge between the nations,
And rebuke many people;
They shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war anymore."

So in our waiting, this is the ultimate of ultimate that we are waiting for... in that day... we press into the heart of God, preparing ourselves and the people to be ready for His coming, lay hold of God's promises in prayer and live our lives and carry out our ministries as the burning and shining lamps, turning people to Jesus!

In our waiting, may we be like the Psalmist who says in Psalm 5:1-8

Give ear to my words, O LORD,
Consider my meditation.
Give heed to the voice of my cry,
My King and my God,
For to You I will pray.

My voice You shall hear in the morning, O LORD;
In the morning I will direct it to You,
And I will look up.

For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness,
Nor shall evil dwell with You.
The boastful shall not stand in Your sight;
You hate all workers of iniquity.
You shall destroy those who speak falsehood;
The LORD abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful man.

But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy;
In fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple.
Lead me, O LORD, in Your righteousness because of my enemies;
Make Your way straight before my face.

Already looking forward the the 7-day Global Bridegroom Fast in 5-12 Dec... to wait upon Him!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Crowns...what are they for?

I've been musing over how I'm going to worship God when I see Him face-to-face. One of the familiar activities that we read from Scriptures, and sing about, is the casting of crowns at the feet of Jesus in worship. The crowns speak of one’s accomplishments or acts done by the grace of God as a result of responding to Jesus in faith and obedience. The elders cast their crowns before God because their crowns expressed their life of faithfulness and thus their reward in eternity.

Revelation 4:9-11 ~ Whenever the living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne, who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:
“ You are worthy, O Lord,
To receive glory and honor and power;
For You created all things,
And by Your will they exist and were created.”

I often wonder, why crowns? I want to know... especially God does award his saints aka overcomers with crowns according to how they live and according to the things they will do for His name's sake, in this age, for the age-to-come. I don't want to enter the age-to-come poor and wretched and crown-less, when I could have done something about it. Hey, we are talking about eternity you know! Eternity!! Not just a 2-hour party, but eternity!!!

I reckon that in eternity, it will be crystal clear that Jesus is the most sought after Person by all. Every moment, people will be so consumed by Him, talking about Him... Everyone will be looking for gifts to offer to Him in worship when they meet Him. Like what we watch in those dramas, folks like to offer the most precious and premium gifts to please the king they meet face-to-face. Ooi...don't laugh! I'm trying to comprehend!! Comprehension, Lord! Strike my earthly puny little mind with Your truth!

And crowns will be the most premium stuff to bring. And... everyone will woo and wow cos they can SEE the crowns that you have... Probably you will be quite oblivious with all that attention because you will be in a love-hurry to meet your Beloved.... and when you cast the crowns before Jesus in worship, it's like saying to Him, "Jesus, remember what I (we!) went through and I (You!) kept my faith and I (You!) kept my heart pure in loving You... I remember You were there for me, I remember Your faithfulness and You gave me this crown, and now I say, it is worth it all... You are worth it all..." and then you cast the crown before Jesus... oh...mmm....

The bible talks about a few types of crowns we can receive in this age and the things we can do / walk-out to get it:

1) Crown of Life / The Martyr's Crown
James 1:12 ~ "Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."

Revelation 2:10 ~ "Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life."

This crown is for those who keep on loving God through severe trials and temptations, and yes, even unto death... for the sake of the gospel. So take heart... endure! It's going to be worth it big time in eternity. Endure!! Do not fear! Be faithful...

2) Crown of Righteousness
2 Timothy 4:7-8 ~ "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."

This is for those who are faithful in the race(s) in their life, not just in completing it, but through it all, loving Jesus and thus so lovesick and longing for His coming again.

3) Imperishable Crown / Incorruptible Crown
1 Corinthians 9:24-25 ~ "Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown."

2 Timothy 2:5 ~ "And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned (with the victor's crown) unless he competes according to the rules."

I'm not sure if this can be considered a category of crowns - cos I think all crowns are imperishable. Nevertheless, this verse, it teaches us to live our lives according to God's ways and not according to what we can or what we think we can. If God calls us to live a holy life, we certainly can, cos we have the Holy Spirit and the Word of God! We will be rewarded for gaining significant victories over sin in our life as we resist temptation with endurance.

Many are called, few are chosen (say yes and do it). There will be challenges and sacrifices, but aren't these God's ways to prune us so that we can be more fruitful? Both in character and in ministry... Many have given up in this race, though gifted by the Lord, because they think 'it's too hard' or 'it's not worth it' or they hold on to too many 'baggages'. May we overcome by the grace of God and spur one another to keep going!

4) Crown of Gold / Crown of Glory / The Pastor's Crown
Revelation 4:4 ~ "Around the throne were twenty-four thrones, and on the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white robes; and they had crowns of gold on their heads."

1 Pet 5:1-4 ~ "The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly,not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock; and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that does not fade away."

This goes to the ministers who themselves live overcoming lives and faithfully shepherd their flock ...God cares for His people to be discipled and brought up in the way of the Lord! There'll be heartaches and sacrifices made in shepherding the flock, but God sees and He remembers, and your labor is not in vain...(1Cor 15:58)

5) Crown of Rejoicing / Soul Winner's Crown
1 Thess. 2:19-20 ~ "For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Is itnot even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming? For you are our glory and joy."

This is given to those who faithfully witness the saving grace of God and lead souls to Jesus, turning many to righteousness (Dan. 12:3). God will judge according to our faithfulness and openness in doing this, and not so much how many would respond to Him, for God is the One who will bring the increase and conviction in the hearts of man.

God esteems, remembers and rewards our works. All our obedience is forever remembered by God, therefore, our lives have great dignity even in the midst of the mundane and routine of life. May we live our lives worthy before Him, in a manner that He has exhorted us to live, and not according to the cap we have so subconsciously set for ourselves... Till the day we see Him face-to-face... Will I be facedown? or will I be dancing?... I can only imagine...

I asked, why so many different types of crowns? Are they of a different 'function' in worship? Someone said, cos our God is a creative God! Amen!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Picture of a Tender-Hearted God... who stoops to make us great

Isaiah 42:3, Matthew 12:20
"A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will
not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice."


We were all gathered in the Muar Prayer House for a retreat for the TOUCH NUS ministry leaders and interns. The Lord visited and touched many deeply one night.. The takeaway thought for the day was to keep the fire on the altar of our hearts burning - receive it, keep it (keep walking, keep obeying, keep loving, keep trusting), grow it and give it away..

When the minister walked around to pray for people, I noticed one guy sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall. His head was bowed low and he held his hands over his head as if in despair. He wore his usual jacket. Yes, that jacket... He wore it everywhere, everyday, every moment...

When the minister walked towards him to pray for him, he quickly arose to his feet. Perhaps he thought, oh, it's my turn to be prayed over, let me get into the proper posture to receive... hmm... stand up and open up my palms? That's what everybody does when they receive prayer..

But the minister gently held him and said it's ok, and he bent down to where the guy was sitting, and prayed for him.

I was frozen by the sight of the minister bending over to pray for the guy.... tears filled my eyes...

What flashed in front of me became a picture of a tender-hearted God who stooped down to us, to where we are... yes, He sees us, our struggles, and comes to where we are and touch us. It's as if God showing me that we don't have to do the things that make ourselves 'look right' or be 'cleaned up' and then receive from God, but God comes to us where we are...

He stoops to where we are and lifts us up... He knows our weaknesses and struggles deep within us... and holds us till we are healed, till we experience victory. We can trust Him! He thunders His love over us, over the one whom He loves... (Psalm 18). How not to be touched by a God whose heart is like that?

I continue to wonder why people would say "I've given my youth to ministry, now I can do my own things"... To me, these years of ministry were the best years in my life, for I've tasted and seen that He is good and He is real...

But the best is yet to be... as God, by His grace and mercy, continues to ambush me in the years ahead... May I remember what He has done and keep talking about it, for it strengthens my resolve even as I forge ahead, for the upward call of Christ in my life...

Psalm 18:35... "Your gentleness has made me great..."

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Excuse me, did you say... it's a partnership?

The Lord invited us as a House to enter into a period of fasting and prayer for 14 days, pressing in for a few things. On the very first day, I thought very very seriously about giving up a particular assignment that was given me in the House. So much for a good start...hmmph.. I thought over it very seriously and almost picked up the phone and made that phone call... It was quite unlike me to do that - to give up. I would at least try and give my best... nose dive or nose bleed... do first then say... but this time, I really... I really... chickened out.. :-x ah... we all have such moments, don't we? arrgghh....

Then the word of the Lord came... to my rescue!!!

I heard God gently speaking to me in my inner heart, "Did you say it's a partnership? What's with this thought about giving up?" Then I tried to hide (God is reading my thoughts!!! Run!!!! but when is He not listening? What doesn't He know about me? :-} ) but arrgghh... erm, yes.. I guess You're right, Lord. It is a partnership, I erm, sing about it too, I ya, ok... and all I'm thinking is I can't do it on my own. But I'll do it with You... yes, I need to re-configure... it's going to be a partnership... thank you Lord... for coming to my rescue!!!

Probably deep within me, I really don't want to give up....I want to give it a shot... but I just don't know how to... I had no confidence... so outwardly, I find ways to get myself out of it and meanwhile work myself really hard and then try again, but God saw the inward movements of my heart. Oh, isn't He One of a kind? =D I mean, don't our hearts move to know that God sees our heart and works the best for us? And yes, meanwhile, this partner (that's me) will lean on Him and also work very hard - not in a way to earn / prove the ability for any assignment, but in a way that responds to knowledge of how He knows and sees me and still loves me and still wants me to partner with Him! Woosh!

In Songs 2:8-13, God revealed Himself as a sovereign and overcoming King, leaping over the mountains and skipping over the hills, thus beckoning the Shulamite woman (depicting a believer) to arise with Him. He is challenging her out of her comfort zone by showing her the revelation of who He is, so that she can trust Him and run with Him. He is leading her to leap over the mountains of fear and skip over the hills of afraid-to-make-mistakes... Oh, I will leap, I will skip... just to be near You, just to hear Your voice... for I know if I stay where I am, I'll be far from you, behind the wall... so draw me away...

TELL ME [3 October 2011]

Tell me what You're thinking of
Tell me what You're feeling, Lord
My heart, it pants, for the living God

Tell me what You're thinking of
Tell me what You're feeling, Lord
My heart, it yearns for You

I'll leap over mountains
I'll skip over hills
Just to be with You
Just to hear Your voice

I'll leap over mountains
I'll skip over the hills
Just to be by Your side
And run with You

So draw me away...

Songs 2:8-13
Revelation of the sovereign and overcoming God
8 The voice of my beloved!
Behold, he comes
Leaping upon the mountains,
Skipping upon the hills.
9 My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.

The believer sees God standing behind the wall, where she is actually the one standing behind the wall, in her comfort zone...
Behold, he stands behind our wall;
He is looking through the windows,
Gazing through the lattice.
10 My beloved spoke, and said to me:

Jesus challenges her out of her comfort zone...
“ Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away.
11 For lo, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
12 The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove
Is heard in our land.
13 The fig tree puts forth her green figs,
And the vines with the tender grapes
Give a good smell.
Rise up, my love, my fair one,
And come away!

To Worship You I Live

Have you ever witnessed a loving father or mother cooing to their baby? awww... Sometimes, I mean, most of the times, one can't quite figure out what they are singing or saying to their baby, but from the giggling response of the tickled infant, you know that it is a love language that transcends age and our human understanding...

Very often, our moments with the Lord are found to be so. Either we still our hearts and let God sing over us with love, or we sing to Him with the affections of our heart... and it goes on and on... May we have many of such endearing moments with the One who loves us deeply!

p/s: the chorus line of this song is crafted by our dear brother Darren. Simple and Beautiful! I always remember him telling me, just use your heart when you worship God, and I took heed.. heh...

While humming the chorus line to the Lord one day, inspiration for the lyrics of this song came. Truly to worship God is a response, not a doing. Worship is a response to the revelation of who God is, who we are to God and what He has done. Every time God wows our heart with revelation, we bow down and worship Him... and this goes on and on... both now here on earth and in eternity...

TO WORSHIP YOU I LIVE [October 2011]

I am Yours, You are mine
I am bought at a price so costly
I am Yours, You are mine
I'm the treasure You long for
I'm the treasure You seek

Pre-chorus: - can't decide if this sounds better as a bridge or pre-chorus... hmm...
You came, for love
Looking for a bride
You came, for love
Overcame the grave

So I'll live to worship You
And I'll live to worship You

To worship You I live
To worship You I live
I live to worship You
(All my days...)

Galatians 2:20 ~ "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

Romans 12:1-2 ~ "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Saturday, October 08, 2011

Because zeal for Your house has eaten me up (Psalm 69:9)

I remember the encounter vividly till this day.

As the words were spoken, there was no lightning nor thunder. There were no shaking of tables, chairs or the floor. In fact, the words were spoken right into my face by a friend in the midst of a fast food outlet, over a cuppa coffee.

I felt my whole body being flung to the end of the room (while I was still physically and calmly seated where I was as the conversation continued). I don't think my friend sensed anything amiss.

I couldn't understand what happened, or why that happened. I did not dismiss it for it was very real to me. I could not utter it to another, as yet... So I cherished it in my heart in the Lord.

Eight years on, I saw some light to that encounter.

"Take some time to feel how God feels about the House of Prayer." These were the words that were spoken over the microphone in the House of Prayer, before we gathered in groups to pray. I was like, ok, that's heavy duty stuff. Let me mull over it more...

And so the pieces began to form together...

When I continue to muse over how God feels about the House of Prayer over the next few days, that same encounter came. No, I wasn't flung this time (we should not overtly put attention on our encounters per se)... It was a similar encounter - that kind that you know it is so huge it could almost destroy you, that the encounter will burst deep within you and you just can't contain it. By God's grace, I felt 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001% of it, and knew it was something really really really big time on God's heart. An understatement! Arrghh... can't even find the right words to describe it!

Flashback to the fast food outlet... my friend was sharing with me what God wanted him to do in Singapore - to establish a 24/7 House of Prayer in Singapore. At that time, I was at the crossroads in my career - I had just applied to a two-year overseas posting that could propel me further in my career path. I was subsequently offered the job and was taking some time to make a decision.

I reasoned - two years will pass by quickly. And I could still join in building the House of Prayer when I return to Singapore. Then he said, as a matter of fact-ly, not so much to appeal for me to stay, that the starting years of the building process is a journey that nothing can be compared with. That it would be in the formative years that we grow in the Lord, with one another and in understanding God's heart for the House. This reply, was the very thing that flung me to the end of the room. Eight years on, my heart testifies that it is true...more than what the experiences and journey had brought me (including the heartaches), it was the knowledge that God sees, and that this is something on His heart and He appreciates every builder... woosh... this is enough for me...

God feels intensely towards His house. Psalm 69:9 ~ "Because zeal for Your house has eaten me up."

I want to remain ruined, undone, eaten up... I want to go on holding close to my heart what matters to His heart. It's so easy to forget. It's so easy to sidetrack. It's so easy to let it all go in the name of valid reasons. But O Lord, according to Your tender mercies and faithfulness, never let me go... let me remain... eaten up...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Beautiful God (a God of Mercy)

[When we see a a something or someone who captures our attention - be it due to a visual appearance or a charisma that exudes from within, we often would stop in our tracks and say, 'beautiful', 'excellent', 'awesome', or ...just be wowed, loss for words!

When GOD catches our attention, it can very often blow us away or "break us into pieces" or we'll just stay unscrappable from the floor / wall / ceiling, if not for His mercy - an infinite God revealing Himself to finite man. Ooosh!! More than loss for words!!! Yet I long to go deeper into the cloud of glory... and just like the encounter Moses had at the burning bush, he drew near to hear, he drew near to see. Is that really You Lord? Calling my name?

Recently I got very upset... very very upset... with myself... after a teaching on the tender mercies of God... I was just so upset that I do not know and cannot grasp the tender mercies of God. Cognitively I know it as I hear about it, read about it... but I know I don't know it... and I was soooo upset... because I do not know the God that (I say) I love.. you know what I mean? Imagine you have a close friend and you don't even know his/her innermost heart and thoughts, and for so long. So I'm very upset and just kept crying and crying... crying because I don't know, crying because I feel sorry, crying because I want to know Him more...

Someone said that's the paradox of the gospel - the more you know God, the more you don't know Him... Now that is encouraging... Just like what Paul says in 1Tim 1:15.... erm, uncle Paul, may I quote you... erm... it's in the bible... so it's not a personal thingy on you... erm.. erm... Paul says in v15, "This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief." There must be a reason why Paul would openly and gladly boast about being chief of erm... sinners O_o v16 brought some light - "However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life."

Now I know why I like uncle Paul. And I even like God more... He chooses the worst of worst to show his patience and kindness to those who will believe Him - this is really something! Woot! My confidence level to run to God when I fall just got re-charged! And yes, may I say like Paul, let Your goodness shine through a vessel like me, that man may see You and You alone! Yes God, me, me, You can use me! Just so that I may encounter Your tender mercies... please...

So I dried my tears, and continue to muse on the God of mercy... mmm....mmm... mmm....]

BEAUTIFUL GOD [29 September 2011]

There is One who sits on the Throne
His tender mercies are over all
There is One, He is in control
All the heavens and earth worship Him

And by His mercy, we draw near
And by His mercy, we come close

Beautiful God
Reigning on high
We worship You, in spirit and truth

Beautiful God
You've captured our hearts
We are Yours and Yours, alone

(Take us as Your inheritance...)

There is none as worthy
None as beautiful
There is none as holy
None as excellent
(There is none like You...)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Send Us Your Rain

[I'm deeply blessed and thankful that I was grounded in the Lord since my days of youth, in the TOUCH NUS ministry. I was not only grounded in my values as a believer, but I also received much exposure in ministry - learning to live by faith, believing God for the impossibilities and seeing lives transformed by the power of God. Surely a life lived by faith is one that is not only unforgettable, but also one that made me who I am today as I continue to seek to grow in the Lord...

We have been praying lots for the youths in the House lately... for truly God is raising up the generation who will see His second coming! Even now, God is raising them as forerunners, a voice crying out in the dessert, prepare the way for the Lord! One of the unique functions of the forerunners ministry seen in Isa. 40:1-5, is the prepare the WAY of the Lord (v3)- to prepare the minds and hearts of the people:

Preparation of MINDS in understanding:
1) End-Times
- Mat. 24:6 speaks of false christs, wars, rumours of wars arising..."See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass...". God is bringing understanding and clarity of the times, and more importantly, how we should prepare ourselves for the coming Day of the LORD as described in Joel 2:11.

2) The activity of the Holy Spirit in the last days:
- restoration of the 1st commandment to the 1st place (Mat. 22:37-39)
- the release of unprecedented power to bring in the great harvest (Joel 2:28-32)
- partnership with God in releasing the temporal judgment of God (Isa. 63:1-6)

3) New idea about God (Psa. 2:11-12):
- Revelation of Jesus as their passionate Bridegroom, Sovereign King and Righteous Judge.

Preparation of HEARTS:
1) Wholeheartedness to God
2) Holiness and Fear of God
3) Fasted lifestyle

Whenever I close my eyes and sing to God to send His rain, I could almost see multitudes of youths crying out to the Lord. And... I could feel the purity and simplicity of the hearts of the youths, just like how we used to cry out to God with the simplicity of our hearts, in childlike faith, in the TOUCH NUS days! God, send Your rain! We need your power, grace and touch, like never before! ]

SEND US YOUR RAIN [27 September 2011]

Verse one:
We need Your power
Break into our lives
We need Your grace
Strengthen us within
We need Your touch
Like never before
We cry out, as we go forth

Send us Your rain
Renewing our mind
Send us Your rain
Transforming our heart
Send us Your rain
Into this place
Into our hearts, as we wait for You

Verse two:
Release Your power
Break into our lives
Release Your grace
Strengthen us within
Release Your touch
Like never before
We cry out, as we go forth

Come send Your rain...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Intimacy with God - a zap?

Some think to grow into intimacy with God, it's a God-zap-me-I'll-be-intimate with God kind of thingy. So they go about their own life as usual and say - when that zap comes, all will be ok. I'm struggling... but when the anointing comes, I'll be fine! Sounds familiar? =)

Zaps are good but we often have 'leaks' and those moments of empowerment do not sustain very long. We 'leak' simply because we do not know how to sustain or have the walk with God that keeps the fire burning in us. Some go from zap to zap, attending meetings and conferences to 'feel good', to 'top up'.

Yet as the saints aka overcomers would share with you, it more often than not takes a deliberate and conscious setting of hearts and the lifestyle of choosing God (through all that struggling, trials of life and those untimely distractions). You know what I mean if you read the accounts of the overcomers in Hebrews 11. Read also about Daniel, who set his heart to know God - how his faith in God triumphed in his time under the reign of an evil king. Even the king acknowledged Daniel's God!

I learnt from a teaching on the keys to sustaining intimacy with God:
1) Hunger - only those who long for it gets it!

2) Keep the fire burning - consistent and regular time with the Lord

3) Fan the flame - seek to grow in the level of intimacy with God

4) Do the work of the ministry - exercise the gifts of the spirit and move out in faith

So you see, we can't get intimate with God by attending teachings, meetings, conferences only. They are not the end all of all. They are good as it could jump start us or awaken us to God and God-things, but it does not end there if we want to grow in the Lord... May we not only know the keys to intimacy with God, may we not only talk about them... may we walk the talk...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Making God Happy

I admit that when I first heard this phrase - making God happy - I went like... erm... that sounds kinda foreign and er... 'foolish'. You know what I mean, new phrases and terms just come up around us here and there. They are here now and gone the next day as newer phrases and cooler terms are being invented... or they are being used casually without much meaning...

I mean, if we talk about revering God, or be serious with God, obey God, love God, praise God etc etc, I (think I) can understand. But what do you mean by 'making God happy'? I can't even quite comprehend it, let alone do it. So conveniently, out of my window it went! I threw this phrase out of my mind, subconsciously, not because I want to, but simply because it's not in my dictionary! Vocab deluge! And yes, I must say it sounds kinda... 'foolish'... definitely not my cup of tea! or so I think...

Years on... I find myself not only understanding this phrase (a little) better, but also realising that there's nothing else I really want to do except... to make God happy. Dead meat. I can't even recognise myself now... so what has caused the change? I pondered...

I can only say that God does wonders with our weak but sincere heart that keeps saying 'yes' to Him. Little by little, how He reveals His heart and led me to encounter His truths as I respond to His word. What is God looking for? I want to be. What does God like? I want to become. What is God saying? I lean over to hear. What is God doing now? I sign-up and get myself involved in it. Not self-manufactured (I know how to do that, and, I somehow can detect it, within myself, if it's of the flesh :p and repent!); but a change that only He can bring...

It often starts with a divine dissatisfaction (poor in the spirit..Mat.5), leading one to a painful realisation (hunger, thirst, mourn..) as one presses in for the things of God. Painful as one dies to self, shakes off every weight and sin that ensnares, and this is the hard part - keep walking, keep trusting, keep pressing in, keep gazing at Jesus, keep going... till God breaks in.

Now, I don't really care whether I appear foolish or am doing something foolish... I just care.. I just care that... I just care very much that... I am found... making God happy...

1Cor. 1:25, 27-29 ~ "Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men...But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence.

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.
Be acceptable in Your sight,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Halleujah [20 September 2011]

[May this be the musing in my heart... always...]

Our God Reigns

There's gonna be a day
Of reckoning
Where we will stand
Before His throne

There's gonna be a day
Where God will dwell with man
Here on earth
Through all eternity...

I can only imagine...

God of Wonders

[When apostle Paul preached the gospel to the Church in Corinth, he "determined not to know anything among them except Jesus Christ and Him crucified". ~ 1Cor. 2:2

Jesus Christ... the power of God and the wisdom of God (1Cor. 1:24) and the message of the those who are being saved, it is the power of God (1Cor. 1:18).

My heart cries out to God for the demonstration of the Spirit and of power in our lives... and through our intercessory worship and teachings in the House... it cries out even more when I see situations and lives around me that are just waiting for the touch from our God of wonders... Break in, Lord! If this longing is put into my heart by You, come! If this is of myself, show me and teach me in Your ways... Yet Lord, You are a God of wonders, miracles and might, manifest your power and glory, that all men might put their faith in You!!! ]

GOD OF WONDERS [16 September 2011]

C G Am F

You walked into a wedding
Turned water into wine
And manifested Your glory

A man born blind
Received his sight
Revealing Your works in him

God of wonders
God of might
Show us Your glory
Reveal Your might

God of miracles
Glory and might
Revive Your works
In our days... make them known...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Restoration - The Chiastic Structure of the Bible

Reading this verse is uplifting in itself - 2 Cor. 4:16 "...yet the inwardman is being renewed day by day..." - that deep within us, we are renewed daily by God's working power and grace.

Renewed daily... but don't just stop at 'sounds good, feels good'.. What does it mean to be renewed day by day?

As I recently discovered and keep discovering... the very heart and eternal plan of God - to restore all things to its original and perfect state - God dwelling with man and man with God (Rev. 21:3) and to those who overcome, they will have access to the tree of life in the Paradise of God (Rev. 2:7; 22:2). There will be no need for a tree of knowledge of good and evil, for they will have perfect knowledge of God! Also, see the chiastic chart on Israel, the Church and the kingdom of God above by One Thing Ministries.

Heb. 12:25-26 says, "but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven. Now this, “Yet once more,”indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain."

God is shaking all that can be shaking - even doctrines according to man (that are flaky) and not according to God's heart and His word ... that only what remains is a kingdom which cannot be shaken.

Newer and newer each day... truly a hope worth living for!

Revelation 22:14 - Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.

Friday, September 02, 2011

A God Who Hides

[If you look closely at people who are after God's heart, you will find that they are a bit... er... slanted, inclined, leaned over... You see, most of the time, in fact at all times, they are found inquiring the Lord, inclining their ears to hear Him and leaning on God even in their weakness.

Yes, leaning... and who told you that man after God's own heart have no worries and problems in life? Look at David, most of his life, he was being chased by his enemies... yet he carried his heart before the Lord with distinction, leaning on Him.

As Proverbs 25:2 aptly puts it:
"It is the glory of God to conceal a matter,
But the glory of kings is to search out a matter."

God hides from us. Why? So that we will search Him out. And you know what... He longs to hear our voice and be gracious to us! Isa. 30:18-19

"Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you;
... He will be very gracious to you at the sound of your cry;
When He hears it, He will answer you."

So take heart, call out to Him and call out to Him in faith. For without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6)


It's Your glory to hide Yourself
That I may search You out
And You wait to hear my voice
And You wait to hear my cry

So I cry out to You in faith
And I call out Your name

Show me Your face
Show me Your mysteries
Show me Your face
For You satisfy, You satisfy

You are a God who hides
So I'll search You out
You are a God who hides
It's my glory to find You...

This Beautiful Man

This Beautiful Man
Why should it be so
That He bore the shame
On the old rugged cross

This Beautiful Man
Who knew no sin
Came and paid it all
Saved us, cleansed us and gave us new life

From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the skies
It's not the end
For He is coming again

From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the skies
He's coming again
To marry His bride... to rule and reign... to judge the earth

So watch and pray
For the hour is coming
Where all will behold
This Beautiful Man, once again...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

[8 years on...] This is my pledge O my Lord, my Love and my Friend...

What Time is it Now?
It's spring time! as I suddenly awake to this realisation...

I do not particularly label the season I'm in all the time, but recently, while I was spending time with God at home, I was impressed that I'm in spring time! I broke down in tears, as I thanked God for the sweetness of His presence that this season brings, and also vividly remembering how He walked with me through the season of winter some years ago...

Spring is the season of disclosure. God is near. His presence is sweet and it's enjoyable to just do anything - even when it is tough, laborious and stressful; winter reminds me of the bittersweet experience - though outwardly wasting away, inwardly renewed and sustained by our loving God. Pain is often our friend- in a way that makes us all the more appreciate the important things/people/God! around us. It is a stepping stone to reach out, to cry out, to press in and taste and see that God is good. For when is He not?

What caused me to be more amazed by God, is that in His loving grace, He opened the eyes of my heart to realise that in both seasons, though strikingly different as they are, there was a commonality through it all. There was a familiar presence of God that I experienced in both seasons. I can't find the words to express it. It could be what the bible calls 'pure joy' - joy of the Lord, joy from the Lord, despite the circumstances..

James 1: 2-4 ~"... count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."

Spring is an intermediate seasonal phase in between winter and summer. Spring signifies the emergence of new life. Times of spring are the blossoming seasons that bring meaningful growth and rejuvenation in its wake.

Verses I am claiming:
1) To move along with God in what He is doing in and through my life, for His kingdom come
Isaiah 43:18-19
“Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert."

2) To speak forth His word with clarity and boldness and intercede in agreement with His word and promises.
Isaiah 22:22
The key of the house of David I will lay on his shoulder; So he shall open, and no one shall shut; And he shall shut, and no one shall open.

A New Song from my heart -- my pledge to You
This song came while I was worshipping God on a Sunday. The song was completed two days later with a bridge. This is my pledge to You O Lord, my Love, my Friend... 8 years on... only You can keep my heart burning... only You can keep my heart ever pure and devoted to You..

I'm not quite sure what the road ahead lies for me, whether I will do well in keeping the fire going, both in my heart and in the House... But one thing I desire, this is one thing I seek... to dwell in the House of the Lord... to gaze upon Your beauty... to inquire You...O God, all the days of my life...

[28 August 2011]

Verse 1:
I pour my love over You
My Beloved and my Friend
I pour my love over You
My Joy, my Reward

Like Mary who took the alabaster jar
And broke it at Your feet
Like Mary who wasted her life
Loving You

I'll pour out my love over You
For You first poured out Your love over me
Loving You, is what I'll do
All my days...

No matter what the world may say
I'll waste my life on You, seek Your face
No matter what the world may say
I wana be found at Your feet, loving You

Ending chorus:
Like Mary who chose the good part
And worshipped at Your feet
Loving You, is what I wana do
All my days...
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