Thursday, September 22, 2011

Intimacy with God - a zap?

Some think to grow into intimacy with God, it's a God-zap-me-I'll-be-intimate with God kind of thingy. So they go about their own life as usual and say - when that zap comes, all will be ok. I'm struggling... but when the anointing comes, I'll be fine! Sounds familiar? =)

Zaps are good but we often have 'leaks' and those moments of empowerment do not sustain very long. We 'leak' simply because we do not know how to sustain or have the walk with God that keeps the fire burning in us. Some go from zap to zap, attending meetings and conferences to 'feel good', to 'top up'.

Yet as the saints aka overcomers would share with you, it more often than not takes a deliberate and conscious setting of hearts and the lifestyle of choosing God (through all that struggling, trials of life and those untimely distractions). You know what I mean if you read the accounts of the overcomers in Hebrews 11. Read also about Daniel, who set his heart to know God - how his faith in God triumphed in his time under the reign of an evil king. Even the king acknowledged Daniel's God!

I learnt from a teaching on the keys to sustaining intimacy with God:
1) Hunger - only those who long for it gets it!

2) Keep the fire burning - consistent and regular time with the Lord

3) Fan the flame - seek to grow in the level of intimacy with God

4) Do the work of the ministry - exercise the gifts of the spirit and move out in faith

So you see, we can't get intimate with God by attending teachings, meetings, conferences only. They are not the end all of all. They are good as it could jump start us or awaken us to God and God-things, but it does not end there if we want to grow in the Lord... May we not only know the keys to intimacy with God, may we not only talk about them... may we walk the talk...

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