1) Why House of Prayer and how did all this begin?
I remembered about 8 years ago, when our leader shared what the Lord has called him to do in building the House of Prayer in Singapore, many of us didn't really have a grasp of what it is all about. But we knew it was on God's heart, and said our weak but sincere 'yes' to God.
Over the years, we grew in the understanding of the messages of Intimacy with God and preparing ourselves as the Bride of Christ. In light of the Day approaching, what we are doing here in the House of Prayer began to make a whole lot of sense.
We are living in End-Times! And God is 'insisting' more and more on the necessity of knowing His heart so that we can prepare for the days to come and stand and not be offended or lose heart. When the darkness glooms around, God is raising up Houses of Prayer to bring His light and partner with Him in praying according to His heart and plan and not according to we we feel or what we think... In fact, the House of Prayer will be a sign pointing to Jesus' return. It will be a statement to all that we are living in serious times! The book of Joel lays out clearly how we should respond to God in such times.
If we look around us, we can see that the Holy Spirit is orchestrating a global prayer movement across the nations, as we enter into the days ahead. There will come a time where there will be no answers found in man - be it in science, technology or any invention. But God Himself will be the answer! Like the sons of Isaachar in 2Chron 12:32, we need to grow in seeking God's face, know His heart and what to do in such times, for we will be His voice and light!
2) So what is the House of Prayer all about?
In a nutshell, Isaiah 66:1-2 sums up what the House of Prayer is all about - it's both about a dwelling PLACE for God to tabernacle with men, and about becoming the PEOPLE God is looking for.
It's a dwelling place where the fire on the altar - symbolizing the offering of worship & prayer, that goes on all the time, 24/7.
In Acts 7:49, the apostolic version of Isa 66:1-2, it says
Heaven is My throne,
And earth is My footstool.
What house will you build for Me? says the LORD,
Or what is the place of My rest?
It speaks of the type of people He is looking for in the building of the House of Prayer. God is looking for a SPECIFIC type of people to partner with Him in a SPECIFIC manner - people whose hearts are contrite in spirit - poor in the spirit and always pressing in and contending for more of God, and who take God's word seriously and would do something about it because they want more of God.
So House of Prayer is both about a dwelling PLACE for God to tabernacle with men and it's also about becoming the PEOPLE He is looking for.
3) Why 24/7? What does it mean to you?
God deserves it. He deserves our all. Romans 12:1-2 says to offer our lives as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him..this is our true and proper worship before God. How does worship look like in the heavenlies? In Revelation Chapter 4, we read about the throne room of God - There is a Throne in heaven and God is sitting on His Throne. He is in control! And worship goes before Him day and night, night and day. Rev. 4:8 says, it doesn't stop!
On earth, it means a few things to me:
* Individually, it means setting my heart to live my life, 24-7, centred around God, yielding to His ways, His plans for me.
* Corporately, it means to gather in sacred assemblies and keep the fire on the altar burning day and night, night and day, 24-7! To worship here on earth as it is in heaven! Intercessory worship that does not stop! Lev. 6:12 exhorts us "And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning on it; it shall not be put out."
When I was a young believer, I was always very inspired by how the believers in the book of Acts 2:42-47 live - how they would gather together, grow in the word of the Lord, lay all their possessions at the feet of the apostles so that anyone in need is taken care of. My eyes were also opened to see that they gathered daily with one accord in the temple of the Lord...
I long to be in a community like that, having these three elements as seen in the New Testament Church - the synagogue (symbolising the Teaching of the Word), the fellowship of believers (church / cell group / share group) and the Temple (House of Prayer). Acts 2:43 & 47 tell us, that as they do that, fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done, and many were saved!
As a child of God, I see myself as growing in the word of God, immersed in fellowship with like-minded believers and gathering in sacred assemblies, burning for Him in the temple, as I wait and long for the day of His return.
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