Friday, November 24, 2006

What Season are you in?

[Did you notice, in every season, David is challenged through various tests from God. Ouch! God! I want growth! No pain no growth?? Erm... Can we negotiate? :p Gee...ok... Your will, not mine be done.]


A. David’s life had five prophetic seasons that are easy to define. In each season, David had a specific city and a specific lesson associated with it. The cities are: 1. Bethlehem; 2. Gibeah; 3. Adullam; 4. Hebron; 5. Jerusalem (Zion).

B. Bethlehem: tested with faithfulness in small things. This is when David received his call to be king of Israel. God’s primary earthly goal for David was to make him a worshiping warrior king, being loved by God and being a lover of God.

C. Gibeah: tested with early promotion (1 Sam. 16:19–22). David moved to this city which was the capital of Saul’s government (1 Sam. 15:34; 18:2). He lived there from age 17 until he was approximately 23. In this season, David had his first experiences with earthly success.

D. Adullam: tested with difficulty. David escaped to the cave of Adullam (1 Sam. 22:1–2) where he was tested with hardship for about 7 long years to establish his identity in God.

E. Hebron: tested with waiting for the fullness God’s promises. This season began with the death of King Saul. David was thirty years old.

F. Zion: Promises fulfilled. David reigned in Jerusalem when he was 37 years old. (2 Sam. 5:1–3)

G. God promised David a role as king in the Millennial Kingdom. [I'm drooling...]

notes extracted from "David - being as people of one thing"

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