Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Quotable Quotes

"If you want to receive God's miracles through His word, and want to keep the miracle, you need to be ruled by God's word. Make God's word the standard in your life. Are you ready?"

"What is your situation? It may be God's way to preserve you for the next position He is leading you to."

"Men tends to shift the blame on others and/or circumstances beyond their control. Eg. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent. 'Conscious sinners' blame others for their cirumstances. Do not be too quick to blame others or find solution in men of God, but to find the cause of the problem, else the healing may not last."

"Sometimes God uses foolish thngs in life, even disappointments, rejections etc, to reveal his purposes in your life."

"Those who are unable to see beyond their immediate situation will murmur and despair. If you are in a hurry, you will waste the opportunity to see what God is doing. The principle of life is that nothing happens for nothing or by chance."

"We should be happy that our names are written in the book of life, rather than rejoicing that the evil spirits submit to us."

"Pray that our faith do not fail..."

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