Our God is a great Leader. Fantastic. Brilliant.
He is able! Able to lead us, even when we are 'gong gong' (aka blur), in all our sincerity in wanting more of Him. Doesn't He know us well enough and see our thoughts and acts in the secret? And yet, He sees the movements of our heart, the movements of our voluntary love responding to Him, saying "I love You Lord...". Even the faintest, weakest whisper of that, He can hear and His heart is moved. Big time. Songs 4:9. I can't get over this. I don't want to ever get over this - that my Big Mighty God is moved by such a heart like mine - weak and immature as it is, but longing to know and love Him more...
Such is our God we see in the book of 1 Samuel 1-3, one who is able to lead us, even in the most dire state of our conditions and circumstances - seen in Hannah - depicting believers crying out for a breakthrough in the midst of conflict (shame, depression, persecution...); and young Samuel - depicting young sincere believers who seek to know God, set apart for Him and pressing on in faithfulness.
Hannah was surrounded with an impossible physical situation where her womb was barren, as well as a constant critic that made her predicament even more unbearable. Yet she did not turn bitter, but she turned to God... Young Samuel was raised according to God's loving plan for the nation Israel, as a prophet of the Lord (1Sam. 3:20). He stayed steadfast and faithful in the house of the Lord...yielding to God's preparation plan for Him, shutting himself from the lure of good fun that his peers were enjoying at their young age.
In the days of Eli the priest, we see the extreme contrast between his two sons, who were corrupt (1Sam 2:1), and Samuel, who was dedicated by Hannah to minister to God in the house of the Lord. It was a picture of what God is doing now - even in the midst of the darkness of the hour where sin of men abounds, God is preparing, and leading, His own chosen ones in the house of the Lord... to shine in the days ahead. He is a great Leader! My great Leader!
The Wisdom of God seen in three contrasts
Many of us would 'lose control' when the threat of evil looms near. Perhaps we may think "there is no hope" or "what do I do now?". God in all His wisdom, shows us that He is in control even before 'all hell break loose' in our lives. He not only have foreknowledge of what is to come, but has also prepared a 'Plan B'. His plan prevails!
Here are the verses which showed the three contrasts:
1Sam 2:17-18 ~ "Therefore the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD, for men abhorred the offering of the LORD. But Samuel ministered before the LORD, even as a child, wearing a linen ephod."
1Sam 2: 25-26 ~ "...Nevertheless they did not heed the voice of their father, because the LORD desired to kill them. And the child Samuel grew in stature, and in favor both with the LORD and men."
1Sam 2:34-35 ~ "Now this shall be a sign to you that will come upon your two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas: in one day they shall die, both of them. Then I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in My heart and in My mind. I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before My anointed forever."
God's heart is that none should perish... He gives us umpteen chances to turn to Him. Yet man in their own smarty-pants folly often choose their own paths which seemed right to themselves. The outcome? They get enthralled in a vicious downward spiral of no return.. Yet to those who call upon Him, like the Hannahs, who call upon Him in all faith (and desperation!), like the Samuels, who say, "speak, for your servant hears", God remembers, He encounters us and raises us up, giving us an inheritance that is unparalleled, beyond what we can think or imagine! (1 Sam. 2:8)
Who are You, God?
Three observations of who God is through 1Sam. 1-3:
1) He is a God who remembers... Trust Him! (1Sam. 1:19)
Hannah was an ordinary woman in her time. She was one of the two wives of Elkanah. Her pain and shame of not being able to bear children, led her to pray fervently to the Lord. God allowed an impossible situation in her life (God closed her womb - 1Sam. 1:6) that she may turn to Him. This is unconceivable for human minds to make sense of. Pun unintended.
Yet she laid hold of God and believed that God would hear and deliver her. And the Lord remembered her (1 Sam.1:19). When she conceived, she honored her promise to dedicate her first born - Samuel, to minister to the Lord all the days of his life (1Sam 1:11). After Samuel, she gave birth to 3sons and 2daughters (1Sam. 2:21).
Whatever our predicament, as we turn to God, know that He is a God who remembers... He remembers our heart cry that seeks to love Him, honor Him and serve Him!
2) He wants to encounter us... Wait upon Him!
Hannah was part of God's loving plan. So was Samuel. Even as a child, he ministered before the Lord in the house of the lord. It is interesting to note in 1Sam. 3:7 that Samuel has yet to know the Lord (personally encountered Him). Yet Samuel faithfully stayed in the house of the Lord, ministering to Him, and that includes the opening and closing of the doors of the house too! =)... the very mundane tasks that needed to be done, daily. (1Sam. 3:15)
Many of us may 'do' the spiritual disciplines of christian living - going to church, reading the bible, fellowship with believers, pray, serve Him in ministries, bring our kids to Sunday School etc. But we all need to personally encounter God and learn to hear His voice. God wants to speak to us! May we have the "Samuel! Samuel!" encounters and those of us who have children, to pray for them to have these encounters! Pray and ask God for it. Look out for it! =) If that is what God wants to do, He will surely do speedily as we agree with Him in prayer. Speak to us, Lord! We want to hear Your voice! We want to encounter You and know You intimately...
3) God is looking for a people who will do according to His heart and mind.
1Sam 2:35 ~ "Then I will raise up for Myself a faithful priest who shall do according to what is in My heart and in My mind. I will build him a sure house, and he shall walk before My anointed forever."
If God is looking for a people who will do according to His heart and mind, it also means that He will make known His heart and mind to those who seek Him with all their heart! (wow!) He will do it! Say yes to renew our mind in Christ and be transformed in our hearts to be more like Him. Be so connected to the heart and mind of God that we will love what He loves and hate what He hates. Say yes to be a faithful priest - one who knows His heart and mind (wow!) and one who will do according to what is in His heart and His mind (wow!)
Rev. 1:6 "...and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
May our pursuit and lives bring Him pleasure, into all eternity. God in turn, promises to build for His faithful priests a 'sure house, walking before Jesus FOREVER'. Wow! Wow! Wow! Generations that follow will continue in the priesthood, like the sons of Zadok who kept charge of God's house, come near to God to minister to God... (Ezekiel 44:15). They will walk before Jesus. It's forever! Their inheritance is the Lord Himself! WOW!!!!
What more can I say... He alone is our wise Leader. We can trust Him, encounter Him and be near Him, forever! May we have the "Samuel! Samuel!" encounters, hearing God calling and speaking to us, as we wait upon Him. No God, I won't press the snooze button... may I say, "Speak Lord, Your bride is listening!"