Zechariah 3: 7
“Thus says the LORD of hosts:
‘ If you will walk in My ways,
And if you will keep My command,
And if you will keep My command,
Then you shall also judge My house,
And likewise have charge of My courts;
I will give you places to walk
Among these who stand here."
Many of us want to encounter God, experience His power and authority, receive revelation of Him and what is in His heart. That is good. Yet we often overlook that there are pre-requisites to these blessings. Not that God is being bureaucratic or particular (I'm speaking in human terms). There is a divine protocol in entering into God's heart that He taught us in the Scriptures. The book of Esther is an excellent example of how Esther (bride of Christ and/or individual believer), went into seasons of preparation before she entered into the courts of the King (God).
The preparation process teaches us about two things - firstly, we need to prepare, and secondly, there is only one way - God's way and not our ways...
In every of God's invitation for us to grow in Him, He has provided a way through His word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Have you heard His invitation and prompting? If yes, open your eyes, ears and heart to seek His face and the "how to's", for the answers to that are right there for the ones who search Him out...God is once again inviting us to a higher level of knowing Him. He wants to give us a greater authority and power in our ministry and lead us to divine encounters that will empower us to grow from faith to faith, from strength to strength... for His glory.. until we see Him face to face...
Zechariah 3:7 gives us a glimpse of the pre-requisites of experiencing God and having more of Him in our lives - "if you will walk in My ways, if you will keep my command..". To those who seek to walk in His ways and keep His commands, He will give unto them these blessings: judge My house (partner with God in leading in matters pertaining to the worship of God) ; have charge of My courts (function as priests in the house of the Lord, like the sons of Zadok in Ezk. 44:15-16) ; places to walk (angelic / divine encounters).
An invitation from God for partnership is a privilege and honor. Yet it wows our human hearts because we do not have anything to offer Him except for what He has first given to us, yes, even this life that we live.. Will you say yes to walking in all of His ways and keeping His commands... they are for our good... Worship Him!
C Am F G7
To be close
To be near
And know what's on Your mind
To be close
To be near
And feel what's on Your heart
I want to seek Your face
Seek Your face
And go hard after You
I just want to hear Your voice
You are my joy
You are my (great) reward
So I stand in Your courts
Watch & Pray
I stand in Your courts
Rising as Your voice
So draw me away
Draw me away
Just You and me
to the secret place
I want to be with You
Jesus draw me closer... nearer....
C Em Am F G
What is this longing in my heart
That only You can satisfy
It is longing for more
It is burning for You
There is a place I'm searching for
Where I will see You face to face
And draw near to You
Dwell in Your courts... and behold
F G7 Am Em
You have captured my heart
I am in love once again
Take me deeper in love with You
You have shown me Your face
I am never the same
Take me higher O Lord
Am F Am G7
I will walk in all Your ways
And go where You lead
I will walk in all Your ways
And follow You...
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