Friday, January 28, 2011

Who is this?

Dm C Dm B

Who is this
Coming out of the wilderness
Dm B
Leaning on her beloved

Dm C
Her eyes are fixed on Him
Dm B
Her eyes are fixed on Him
Dm C
Her eyes are fixed on Him
She is unstoppable

(She is immovable... in love)

Dm C
With a seal in her heart
And a seal on her arm
She's risin' up

Thursday, January 27, 2011

We Wait for You (Shekinah Glory Come)

We wait for you
We wait for you
We wait for you
So walk in the room
Here we are standing in your presence
Here we are standing in your presence
Shekinah glory come down
Shekinah glory come down

Here we are standing in your presence
Here we are standing in your presence
Shekinah glory come down
Shekinah glory come down

Release the fullness of your Spirit
Skeinah glory come
Shekinah glory come

Release the fullness of your Spirit
Skeinah glory come
Shekinah glory come

When you move, we want more
And when you speak, we want more
When you move, we want more
We want the fullness
When you move, we want more
And when you speak, we want more
When you move, we want more
We want the fullness

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


[Sometime last year, I gave myself a goal to read the book of Revelation once through every three or four months... to be more familiarized with what is written in it and take heed to what God says in Rev. 1:3. Yet I find myself revisiting the book 'before time's up' to read it again. I reckon I have much slack to cut and want to instead fill my mind with scenes in the book of Revelation and let the Spirit of God direct my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I'm humbled to say that my current favorite book in the bible is the book of Revelation... So if you see me spacing out, it could be that my mind is stayed on some scenes that are depicted in the book... It's captivating! Best Director! Best picture! Totally fascinated! More than filling my mind with the word, I pray it will overflow within and out of me, resulting in understanding, clarity, boldness to testify of my Jesus and grace in taking heed to what is written in this book...]

Scene 1
Director: Holy Spirit
Cast: Yaweh God, Jesus, Holy Spirit
John, angel of God who showed John the things which must take place
Passage reading: Rev. 1:1-8
Meditation: Why did John speak of the One who sent Him before he went on to tell the seven churches what must shortly take place? This reveals God's heart... He wants us to know the One who is about to bring to pass the things that are about to take place...

(Narrator reads...)

"The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants—things which must shortly take place.

And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw.

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near."

(Narrator pauses and prays)

"Oh Lord, give to me the revelation of Jesus Christ, just as You gave John...clarity and understanding of Jesus Christ and what is on His heart... the things that will shortly take place... give me grace as I bear witness to Your word, as I testify of Jesus Christ, as I testify to all things that You would reveal to us! I say yes..."

(Narrator ponders...)

John was not in a hurry to tell the churches "the things that are shortly to take place" as we read in Rev.1:1 that he was commissioned to do. Instead, he first gave glory to the One who has sent him. In today's language, it's almost like hearing John saying excitedly, "You know who sent me? Oh I am so in awe that I must first tell of the One who told me all these things! You must know Him!" John spoke of the Father who is and was and is to come, the Spirit of God and Jesus Christ:

From GOD (the Father)...
WHO IS (He exists in the present, His name is Yahweh, as revealed in Exodus 3:14) AND WHO WAS (He has always existed throughout the past) AND WHO IS TO COME (He will always exist throughout the future...

and from the SEVEN SPIRITS
or, the sevenfold Holy Spirit, who is before (God’s) throne in Heaven...In Isaiah 11:2, Holy Spirit is described as “The Spirit of Yahweh, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of the fear (reverence and spiritual intimacy) of Yahweh.”

and from JESUS CHRIST (the Messiah)...
  • THE FIRSTBORN OF THE DEAD - He is the first – and, so far, the only – human being to be raised from death to immortality; see 1 Corinthians 15:20

  • TO HIM (Jesus) WHO LOVES US (see 1 John 4:10)
  • AND WASHED US FROM OUR SINS (see Psalm 130:8 and Titus 3:5)
  • BY HIS (Jesus’ own) BLOOD (his death on the cross)
  • AND HE (Jesus) MADE US (Christians) TO BE A KINGDOM, PRIESTS TO (serve) HIS (Jesus’) GOD AND FATHER
  • TO HIM (Jesus) BE THE GLORY AND THE DOMINION (the authority to rule the world) FOREVER AND EVER
  • BEHOLD (This word means “Look!”), HE (Jesus) IS COMING (back to Earth) WITH THE CLOUDS

Revelation 1:8
“I AM THE ALPHA (the first letter of the Greek alphabet) AND THE OMEGA (the last
letter of the Greek alphabet),” SAYS THE LORD (Yahweh) GOD, “WHO IS AND WHO WAS


Friday, January 21, 2011

More Than Words...

[How do we carry our hearts when we come into God's presence? If we are 'God-struck', we will realise that there is no song and there are no words that can aptly bring across what we really want to sing or say. It is out of this 'God-struck-ness' that this song is written..]

G Em C Am G D

Verse 1
I come into Your courts
Looking for a song I can bring
A song I can sing to You

I come into Your courts
Longing to draw near to You
And see You face to face

Chorus 1
More than words
You look into my heart
My heart that's deep within

More than words
Is there a song I can bring
A song I can sing to You

Repeat Verse 1

Chorus 2
More than words
You are looking at my heart
My heart that's deep within

More than words
You are all that I want
Lord have Your way in me

Chorus 3
More than what my hands can bring
You are looking at my heart
My heart that's deep within

More than what Your blessings may bring
You are all that we want
Lord have Your way in me

Until the day breaks
And the shadows flee
I will wait

Until the day breaks
And the shadows flee
I will pray (cry out to You...)

Verse 2
So I lean on Your love
And rest in Your grace for me
Your grace that is sufficient for me

And I lean on Your love
For You will never leave
You watch over me

Chorus 4
More than words
I give my heart to You
Take this offering

More than words
This is my pledge to You
I will love You Lord

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


[In the secret, in the quiet, He sees, He knows... oh how our hearts are so prone to leaving the God we love... Yet no matter how many times we find ourselves at God's feet in sincere repentance, He receives us, for He knows the frailty of men. Yet He has given all things, all power, all authority to those who hope in Him, that we may be like Him, reign with Him and be with Him now and through all eternity... This is our hope... This is our God... more than words can express, this is a psalm from my heart, this is my offering...]

If my heart is a muscle
I want to engage it
With the Spirit of God

To train it, to hone it
To love what God loves
To hate what God hates

That it may beat after God's heartbeat
That it may endure the afflictions life may bring
That it may burn for You continuously through all seasons


If You are my God
I want to know
What's on Your heart, what's on Your mind

To be close
To be near
To lean and be just at Your side

That I may love You more and more
That I may run with You
That wherever You are, there I'll be...


If I am Yours
I want to agree
I want to say yes

To Your ways
To Your plans
To Your destiny for me

That I may shine for You
That all may see
That all may know... You are my God


If we are to be together in eternity
I'll wait in expectation
Yearning and hastening... the day of our wedding day to come...

To Him my eyes will gaze upon
To Him my heart will sing
To Him alone I will offer up my life

That when He returns, He'll find me faithful
That when He comes back, He'll lift me up
That we'll be together through all eternity...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ask for the Fire

Love is an innate nature in us - the ability to love and receive love. That's how we are wired. Just as we grow up biologically from a babe to a teenager and then to a young adult and so on, how do we grow on the inside of us? The diet for the babe and adult is different. Stay with me on this... cos many of us, including myself, take for granted that things on the inside of us grow 'automatically'. It's got to be intentional. Can you imagine that as an adult, we still eat baby's food? We got to change and move on to solid food, and thus grow physically. In the same vein, can we grow in the Lord on the inside of us if we still drink (spiritual) milk and reject solid food? (Heb. 5:12-14)

Has love matured in us? There is one divine way to mature this love. Lovers know this well. When they go through the trials / fires of life, can their love withstand? Does their love get stronger or simply fall apart? The key lies in how we face the fire and 'use' it go higher and grow stronger, both as a person and as lovers. Some things have to go, some things stay, some things change. But most of all, this love grows, and matures... like wine... it gets better!

When I think of asking for the fire of God to refine this love in me (for Him), I think of myself as the clay in His hands. May I stay in the centre of the potter's wheel, in the centre of His will, as He lovingly shapes me and mold me. May I cry out like the Shulamite woman in Songs 4:16 - asking for the north wind (winds of testing) and south wind (winds of God's refreshing and sustaining grace through it all), that love may mature in me, that I may live a life pleasing to God, a fragrant offering to Him, transformed by His grace...

C Am F G7

Verse 1:
You are the Potter
And I am the clay of Your hands
So come and mold me
Mold me and make me like You

(So come and) Test me, Refine me
With Consuming Fire Lord
Till I'm pure and holy
Set apart for You
Till I'm pure and holy
Transformed by Your grace

You are a good good God
You are a good good God
Your boundary lines have fallen
On pleasant places

You are a good good God
You are a good good God
This heart of mine
Will trust in You

Verse 2:
You are the Potter
And I am clay of Your hands
I am Yours
I belong to You...

Come seal me, seal me
Seal me with Your love
(I never want to be apart from You..)

The Great Need of This Hour...

[I'm looking forward to a Seminar on "The Great Need of This Hour". It's going to be a condensed version of a series of 3 messages - People who Understand the Times; Hear what the Spirit is saying; What the Spirit is saying about the Church. We are getting the full blast of the extended version at the teachings on Fridays now... Full blast indeed... it's the kind of message that causes your heart to tremble. A good kind of trembling...

I'm praying that I will respond in faith and not just stop at the trembling and erm... hide... or get in a frenzy of sorts.. or worse, internally running away (cos it's gonna to be hard or impossible in my sight) yet externally functional as a believer... know what I am talking about? Oh how I want to overcome my weaknesses...May I burn and shine in such times - a feat that is only possible if I keep looking at God, not at myself or what I can do... Give me dove eyes! Give me understanding! clarity! courage! strength in my inner man... that even when there is fear, I have the courage and utterance to speak!]

CP: Am F C G

Your word has striked my heart
Your word has striked my heart
And I tremble
And I tremble

And I looked within myself and I stumble
And I looked within myself and I fall

So I lift my eyes to You in the heavens
And I lift my voice to You and I cry...

Chorus 1:
Your grace is sufficient
Your love sustains me
I gaze upon Your beauty
And my mind it stays on You
(And my eyes they're fixed on You)

Until until... Your word lives in me
Until until... Your love burns in me (wholeheartedly)

Chorus 2:
I will love You Lord
With all my heart
I will love You Lord
With all my soul
I will love You Lord
With all my strength

This is my pledge
Come reign in me
This is my pledge
Take all of me

Your grace is sufficient for me, for me...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

I'm Coming Back...

[My favorite parable for many years.... the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15.. a scene so poignant... a love of a waiting God that so touched my heart... To me, it captures the essence of our loving God who never gives up on us. Not only that, He waits for us to return to Him... When this truth enters deep within my heart, it allows me to let go of people and circumstances knowing that God does not give up on them (so must I), knowing that He not only does not give up on us when we stray away, but He waits for us... wow! He waits for us with a heart burning for us and longs for us to return...]

You must be waiting for me
With eyes looking out for me
You must be longing for me
With a heart that's burning deep within

I remembered Your love
Your love for me
And I arise
And find my way to You

So I'm coming back
I'm coming back
I'm coming
To Your arms of love

I'm coming back
I'm coming back
I'm coming back
To Your loving embrace

Jesus, my First Love
Jesus, my First Love

You must be waiting for me
With eyes looking out for me
You must be longing for me
With a heart that's burning deep within

And from afar
You saw me return
With a heart of compassion
You stretched wide Your arms

And You ran to me
And You ran to me
And You ran to me
And embrace me with love

And You ran to me
And You ran to me
And You ran to me
And restored with joy

You took all my shame
And received me by Your grace...

Monday, January 03, 2011

Closer. Nearer. Deeper. Higher.

Zechariah 3: 7

“Thus says the LORD of hosts:
‘ If you will walk in My ways,
And if you will keep My command,

Then you shall also judge My house,
And likewise have charge of My courts;
I will give you places to walk
Among these who stand here."

Many of us want to encounter God, experience His power and authority, receive revelation of Him and what is in His heart. That is good. Yet we often overlook that there are pre-requisites to these blessings. Not that God is being bureaucratic or particular (I'm speaking in human terms). There is a divine protocol in entering into God's heart that He taught us in the Scriptures. The book of Esther is an excellent example of how Esther (bride of Christ and/or individual believer), went into seasons of preparation before she entered into the courts of the King (God).

The preparation process teaches us about two things - firstly, we need to prepare, and secondly, there is only one way - God's way and not our ways...

In every of God's invitation for us to grow in Him, He has provided a way through His word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Have you heard His invitation and prompting? If yes, open your eyes, ears and heart to seek His face and the "how to's", for the answers to that are right there for the ones who search Him out...God is once again inviting us to a higher level of knowing Him. He wants to give us a greater authority and power in our ministry and lead us to divine encounters that will empower us to grow from faith to faith, from strength to strength... for His glory.. until we see Him face to face...

Zechariah 3:7 gives us a glimpse of the pre-requisites of experiencing God and having more of Him in our lives - "if you will walk in My ways, if you will keep my command..". To those who seek to walk in His ways and keep His commands, He will give unto them these blessings: judge My house (partner with God in leading in matters pertaining to the worship of God) ; have charge of My courts (function as priests in the house of the Lord, like the sons of Zadok in Ezk. 44:15-16) ; places to walk (angelic / divine encounters).

An invitation from God for partnership is a privilege and honor. Yet it wows our human hearts because we do not have anything to offer Him except for what He has first given to us, yes, even this life that we live.. Will you say yes to walking in all of His ways and keeping His commands... they are for our good... Worship Him!


C Am F G7

To be close
To be near
And know what's on Your mind

To be close
To be near
And feel what's on Your heart

I want to seek Your face
Seek Your face
And go hard after You

I just want to hear Your voice
You are my joy
You are my (great) reward

So I stand in Your courts
Watch & Pray
I stand in Your courts
Rising as Your voice

So draw me away
Draw me away
Just You and me
to the secret place

I want to be with You
Jesus draw me closer... nearer....


C Em Am F G

What is this longing in my heart
That only You can satisfy
It is longing for more
It is burning for You

There is a place I'm searching for
Where I will see You face to face
And draw near to You
Dwell in Your courts... and behold
F G7 Am Em
You have captured my heart
I am in love once again
Take me deeper in love with You

You have shown me Your face
I am never the same
Take me higher O Lord

Am F Am G7
I will walk in all Your ways
And go where You lead
I will walk in all Your ways
And follow You...

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