Are you looking for and hastening Jesus' second coming?
Jolted up in the middle of the night, I was confronted with this thought. Do I yearn and long for God to come back? Or am I just contended with 'doing church' and getting on with life here on earth?
In my heart, I knew the answer... and I shudder...
A divine revelation... a holy dissatisfaction...
Looking for... a yearning and longing for Jesus. Who? Who is this Jesus? That you so yearn for Him? Who is the object of our affection and all of our love?
"Who do you say that I am?" The Church must once again answer this question. Is He our Shepherd King, Saviour and ...? Peter answered the question correctly, with the right understanding (Matt 16:16) and on this revelation, Jesus built the Church. So even now, the End-Time generation must answer this question to usher in the greatest movement here on earth - His second coming. Who do we say that He is?
This yearning and longing is not something we can make happen. It takes God to love and yearn for God. We can set our heart to love Him, but we need to let Him light the fire in our hearts. That takes time to cultivate - both in our own prayer closet and in corporate settings. (Read the Book of Joel). We must not be mistaken that intimacy with God is something that can be obtained out of a vending machine - go get zapped and tada! Hungering and pressing in for God is not a fashionable posture that fades away. It is here to stay in our lives, if we really want Him, yes, through all seasons of our lives. We are made to love Him, all the time. Period. Some say it's hard. I like what a wise sage says - that's a normal Christian life!
At the back of my mind, is it still surreal that Jesus will return in my lifetime? Or have I awoken to the fact that His coming is very near? Even my neighbour's kid can do the Maths...Matt 24:32. 1948 (birth of Israel) + 100years (~one generation) ~ 2048. And if it is very near, am I prepared for it? Can I stand? More so, am I prepared to rise up in matured love and partnership with Jesus when He returns? Jesus...my Bridegroom! King! and Judge!
Hastening...Wisdom and spiritual understanding of the times and knowing what we ought to do. What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church? Are we paying attention and thus doing things in God's way? The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a global prayer and worship movement that precedes the great harvest and the glory of His coming. Before His coming, there will be shakings (Read Haggai 2). There is a role for the Church to play and not just stand on the sidelines. Even now, we need to press in for the spiritual understanding of God's will so that we can live our lives worthy of Him.
Titus 2:13
"...looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.."
2 Peter 3:11-13
"...Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God..."
2 Peter 3:13-15
"Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.Therefore, beloved,looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; and considerthat the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—"
So if there must be one thing that I check myself and my ministry - some call it a new year resolution - reflection and projection - this question will be asked - am I looking for and hastening His coming?
If this has set you thinking, read more here...
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