Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Have I told You lately that I love You?

[May God's love abound in our hearts this Christmas... love for Him and for one another. As we pursue the knowledge of God - who He is and His heart - may we not lose sight of His love...for so what if we have knowledge (only) that puffs up when we have not love that builds up...]

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." ~ 1Corinthians 13:2

" Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up..." ~ 1Corinthians 8:1

"Ai," the traditional for love (愛) consists of a heart (middle) inside of "accept," "feel," or "perceive," which shows a graceful emotion. It can also be interpreted as a hand offering ones heart to another hand.

In Hebrew, Ahava is the most commonly used term for both interpersonal love and love of God

Friday, December 18, 2009

New Year Resolution? Take the Litmus Test of Maturity in Christ

Are you looking for and hastening Jesus' second coming?

Jolted up in the middle of the night, I was confronted with this thought. Do I yearn and long for God to come back? Or am I just contended with 'doing church' and getting on with life here on earth?

In my heart, I knew the answer... and I shudder...

A divine revelation... a holy dissatisfaction...

Looking for... a yearning and longing for Jesus. Who? Who is this Jesus? That you so yearn for Him? Who is the object of our affection and all of our love?

"Who do you say that I am?" The Church must once again answer this question. Is He our Shepherd King, Saviour and ...? Peter answered the question correctly, with the right understanding (Matt 16:16) and on this revelation, Jesus built the Church. So even now, the End-Time generation must answer this question to usher in the greatest movement here on earth - His second coming. Who do we say that He is?

This yearning and longing is not something we can make happen. It takes God to love and yearn for God. We can set our heart to love Him, but we need to let Him light the fire in our hearts. That takes time to cultivate - both in our own prayer closet and in corporate settings. (Read the Book of Joel). We must not be mistaken that intimacy with God is something that can be obtained out of a vending machine - go get zapped and tada! Hungering and pressing in for God is not a fashionable posture that fades away. It is here to stay in our lives, if we really want Him, yes, through all seasons of our lives. We are made to love Him, all the time. Period. Some say it's hard. I like what a wise sage says - that's a normal Christian life!

At the back of my mind, is it still surreal that Jesus will return in my lifetime? Or have I awoken to the fact that His coming is very near? Even my neighbour's kid can do the Maths...Matt 24:32. 1948 (birth of Israel) + 100years (~one generation) ~ 2048. And if it is very near, am I prepared for it? Can I stand? More so, am I prepared to rise up in matured love and partnership with Jesus when He returns? Bridegroom! King! and Judge!

Hastening...Wisdom and spiritual understanding of the times and knowing what we ought to do. What is the Holy Spirit saying to the Church? Are we paying attention and thus doing things in God's way? The Holy Spirit is orchestrating a global prayer and worship movement that precedes the great harvest and the glory of His coming. Before His coming, there will be shakings (Read Haggai 2). There is a role for the Church to play and not just stand on the sidelines. Even now, we need to press in for the spiritual understanding of God's will so that we can live our lives worthy of Him.

Titus 2:13
"...looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.."

2 Peter 3:11-13
"...Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God..."

2 Peter 3:13-15
"Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.Therefore, beloved,looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless; and considerthat the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation—"

So if there must be one thing that I check myself and my ministry - some call it a new year resolution - reflection and projection - this question will be asked - am I looking for and hastening His coming?

If this has set you thinking, read more here...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prophetic Song - David Brymer, Misty Edwards, and Jacob Hanley

Everything I do, I do for You, My Love
I open my heart...

All that I do, I do for You, My Love...
My heart is open to You
My heart is forever open

I will return to My First Love
It was better (for me) there
Jealous... jealousy... come lay hold of me
Jealous... jealousy... come lay hold of me

Mine is a love that will never let you go...
I'm married to a harlot
My love will make her pure
I will beautify her
I will make her all mine
I will make all things news
Beauty for your ashes
Joy for all your mourning

Love me, wash me, make me new...
Here I am

For I can't get away, can't get away, from Your Love

Beautiful Mercy - by Laura Hackett

There is no pit too deep that Jesus cannot reach

There is no sorrow so strong that would overtake His beloved one


And He’s brought me to the wilderness where I will learn to sing

And He lets me know my barrenness so I will learn to lean


Beautiful Mercy, do what You have to do

Jealous Lover, do what You have to do


So I will sing; yes, I will sing

I will sing, even in this brokenness

I will sing, even in this loneliness

Sunday, November 22, 2009

When You Called My Name...

[So often we come before God's presence, so un-awaken and un-aware of His deep love and longing for us. We get caught up with the "do-ing" and lost sight of the "be-ing". Thanks be to God! He watches over us and reminds us of who we are, and calls us - the people of One Thing. More than that, the touch and presence of the God who calls us overwhelm us - re-aligning us to what is in His heart and strengthening our resolve to run the race set before us...
It is not about which ministry or church we are in... it's about God's people of One Thing - Psalm 27:4, Luke 10:38-42, Phil 3:7-14 - people who have this DNA and living it out in faith and obedience, wherever they are, whatever God has called them to do...]

This is who I am
This is the reason I live
The reason I breathe

How can I forget?
How can I run away?
You are always watching over me

There is a stirring in my heart
There is a fire burning
My heart awakens... when You called my name

What is this striving, O my soul?
What is this unrest within me?
When all You want is my heart, my love

I am alive! No longer living-dead
I am captivated! No longer going through motion
Stir up a passion for Your Name, I pray

You came and gently touched my heart
You spoke and called my name
Awakening zeal, passion, fire in my heart

Once again I turn to You
Once again I say I am Yours
Falling in love with my Beloved, my Bridegroom King, all over again

When You called my name
When You drew near
Nothing else matters

Everything fades away
Everything pales in comparison
This is who I am... when You call my name

You breathed, and the world came into being
You spoke, and my spirit stirred within me
I will arise, and run with You

Draw me away
Draw me close by Your side
We will remember Your love more than wine...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Among those whom God hears and answers

[There must be something about Noah, Daniel, Job, Moses, Aaron and Samuel... something that they did (and lived) right... that in God's fury, He would relent, that when they spoke, God answered them and showed them wonderful things from His heart...]

Ezk 14:12, 19
The word of the LORD came again to me, saying: "Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it. Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness," says the Lord GOD.

"Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury on it in blood, and cut off from it man and beast, even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live," says the Lord GOD, "they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness."

Psalm 99:6
Moses and Aaron were among His priests,
And Samuel was among those who called upon His name;
They called upon the LORD, and He answered them.
He spoke to them in the cloudy pillar;
They kept His testimonies and the ordinances He gave them.
You answered them, O LORD our God...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

No Lack

[The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want (or I shall have no lack)... what does this mean? The key is when the Lord is the Lord of our lives, we shall have no lack... sounds simple yet profound..]

Word of the Lord on 7-11-2009:

I am Your Good Shepherd
I am Your Great Leader
Do not fear
For I am with you
I'll not leave you nor forsake you

Trust in Me
I'll lead you in the way of everlasting
And in me you will have no lack
And in me surely goodness and mercy
Will follow you all the days of your life

I will kiss your heart
And cause you to experience My great love
And I'll pour out My grace on you
To empower you
For My grace is sufficient

When circumstances in our lives spell a 'lack' - be it a unfufilled dream, a lost child, a sickness or a hope deferred... we press in to God, for He is more than able, and He is our Shepherd. We approach Him in confidence because He is a God we sees us and knows us, even before a word is on our lips, He knows it...

When we lay hold of God, we'll find that.... we have no lack... cos we have Him. We have Him leading us, we have Him watching over us, we have Him with us in our journey... yes, truly, we have no lack, when we put the Lord, the Lord of all!

Friday, October 02, 2009


[A few weeks ago, I asked my nephew and nieces what they liked best in the movie Up! and they unanimously said they liked the talking dog! hmm... I'm not so much an animal lover, so that's not the part I liked best. The ahh! moment for me was when the old man had to offload all that stuff in his house, so as to get higher. Yes, all that stuff - even those that meant lots to him. Lots lots lots... how was that possible? Definitely not for the faint-hearted...]

The only way is Up!
But.. but... why do I seem to be going down?

Moment of reckoning
Moment of decision

Throw throw throw
Treasured, cherished, part of me!

Turned out to be no sweat
For I discovered that there is only onething I'm after

Hey, remember?
Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham... and the list goes on in Hebrews 11

They did not even receive the very promise that was due them in their lifetime!

But they were assured of onething
And they will not be disappointed

[means pause... to savour the meaning behind the previous two statements]

What's this I'm feeling
What's this I'm seeing

I'm going Up!
Take me higher! Draw me nearer! Closer to Your heart I pray...

I'm singing
I'm rejoicing

If I try and save my life I will lose it
But if I lose my life for Your sake, I'll find it in the end...

Life is found in the letting go
Joy is found in the tearing of the heart

we also,
since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,
let us lay aside every weight,
and the sin which so easily ensnares us,
and let us run with endurance
the race that is SET before us,
looking unto JESUS,
the author and finisher of our faith,
who for the joy that was set before Him
endured the cross,
despising the shame,
and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
~ Hebrews 12:1-2

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The 3 acid tests for those in any ministry... especially worship & prayer ministry... from Zechariah 7:1-7

1. Did you really fast (serve, lead, go to church etc) for Me - for Me?

2. Do you have 2 different lifestyles? One in the temple/church, one outside the temple/church.

3. You sure you are ready?

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Thoughts on the Book of Isaiah

A Problematic Nation before a Persistent God

The nation of Judah sinned. They "lost their senses" and have forsaken the Lord who has brought them up and nourished them. Their rebellion and wickedness were evident to all the earth – worse than the animals that know their master and home, the nation knew not their Master and turned from the One who cared for them. Yet the Lord calls them children (Isa 1:2). He calls them Israel, My people (Isa 1:3).

“But Israel does not know,
My people do not consider.”

God looks upon the sinful nation that has turned away from the Him - it is sick, faint with open wounds and bruises, desolate and overthrown by strangers. What's left of it is liken to a "booth in a vineyard", a "hut in a garden of cucumbers" and a "besieged city" (Isa 1:8).

Before this very pathetic and desolate sight, Isaiah proclaimed (Isa 1:9):

"Unless the LORD of hosts
Had left to us a very small remnant,
We would have become like Sodom,
We would have been made like Gomorrah.”

There will be a remnant! The Lord Himself will provide. He will not utterly destroy the rebellious nation although that is what they deserve. The merciful God is true to His covenant people. But how will He restore them from the dismal state that they are in? Through His remnant people that is pale in comparison before their countless enemies? Let us read on, feeling the heart of God in drawing them back to Him, grasping the ways of the God of justice and love…

A God Who Reasons and Stoops …

Hear! Give ear! You rulers… you people! God appeals to them to come clean and get right with Him first, then offer sacrifices to Him (Isa 1:18). Can you fathom the sight of a God who stooped to just do that when all the rebellious people deserved were nothing but judgment?

“ Come now, and let us reason together,”
Says the LORD… "

For offering sacrifices to God, going through the rituals and making prayers while their heart is far away from God, only serves to provoke God to anger even more. Return O Judah! God promises that all He needs is their willingness and obedience and He will cleanse them of their sin and prosper them. But if they refuse and rebel, they shall fall by the sword… (Isa 1:19-20)

If you are willing and obedient,
You shall eat the good of the land;
But if you refuse and rebel,
You shall be devoured by the sword”;
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.

When God says “I will”

The faithful city has fallen and become a harlot. Yet God, the Lord of host, the mighty One of Israel, is in control and three times He said “I will” – get rid of their adversaries, purge away sin from His people and restore their land to righteousness. Zion shall be redeemed and no one can quench the fury of God’s fire. Nothing, not even their rebellious and wanton hearts, can thwart God’s destiny for them… (Isa 1:24-26)

“ Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries,
And take vengeance on My enemies.
I will turn My hand against you,
And thoroughly purge away your dross,
And take away all your alloy.
I will restore your judges as at the first,
And your counselors as at the beginning.
Afterward you shall be called the city of righteousness, the faithful city.”

So chill…God is in control. What situations and men fail to accomplish in righteousness, God already knows. He speaks through His prophets to woo His people back to Himself. We can put our faith in Him and trust Him. And we can put our hope in what He has in store for us since the beginning of time that He alone shall complete in us. We only need to be willing and obedient and see the loving God move in our lives and be in step with Him.


“God, grant us willing and obedient hearts to follow you all the days of our life. Grant us understanding of your heart for us both now and in the days to come, that like what the Psalmist says in Psalm 90:12

“So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

You are once again coming back again to shake the things that can be shaken, purging your people and land from unrighteousness. You alone will restore all things and bring about the very promises You have for us, for You are a faithful God, the Lord of Host.

Lead us O Lord, in Your ways. We acknowledge you and ask for wisdom to not only know Your ways, but also to see Your face. We want to know and feel the heart of the One who stoops to us so that we may be confident to rise again, putting away the shame of our sin. Jesus bore it all for us. When we stumble and fall, we hold on to Your mighty hand and Your undying love for us. Take us higher, take us deeper in You we pray. From strength to strength we will grow, in the light of Your mercy and grace.

We pray too that Your very plan and purposes for the chosen nation, Israel, will come to pass in Your time and might. Even now, let her understand Your heart for her that she may return to You, offering righteous sacrifices that would bring You pleasure. Strengthen, O mighty One of Israel, the ones who stay faithful to You in the midst of persecution. Let them encounter Your right hand leading them through moments of peril. Comfort their hearts O Lord, for You are their Shepherd and they are the sheep of your pen, Your beloved people and nation, destined for Your glory.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, Amen.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You Say...

[Songs 4:1-6 - A picture of the one God sees and cherishes... a picture of the cherished heart of our Bridegroom God - Who sees our budding virtues and calls them forth before each of them reach their fullest expression... For He nourishes and cherishes His church, His bride (Eph 5:29) that she may live to the fullest of Her destiny - as a matured Bride of Christ, in full partnership with Him]

(You say) I am fair
I am Your love
You see my heart, filled with emotions for God
No matter how weak this love is

(You say) I am dedicated to You
Committed to You wholeheartedly
Fully Yours... I seek to surrender
All of my heart, my mind, my soul, my strength

(You say) I am skilful in understanding Your word
Rooted in your truth and zealous... passionate
For Your word sustains me and is fruitful within me
Bringing life, bringing light

(You say) The words of my mouth are lovely
Bringing You delight
Speaking aptly in all seasons
Reviving the soul

(You say) I am the one who knows You intimately
For Israel knows Your deeds and Moses knows Your ways
I am one who knows Your ways, Your heart
What You are thinking, what You are feeling

(You say) I am the One who is rich in emotions
For deep calls to deep
Sensitive to the heart of God
Tender-hearted, a precious possession to God

(You say) I am a woman of faith
Strong-willed, steadfast and immovable in the Lord
Tested by fire
Refined pure as gold, made ready for You

(You say) I am fruitful
Bearing fruit in my life, in my ministry
A burning and shining lamp
Calling forth many to love You and make themselves ready

Before You I stand
Amazed by Your love
Astounded by the cherished heart of my Bridegroom God
Pressing in, breaking through

Until the day breaks
And the shadow flees away
I will embrace the cross, whatever the seasons of my life may bring...
And I will offer incense of prayer

In Your House I dwell
Upon Your Promises I stand
In Your Love I revel
I am Yours, I am Yours...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Near or Far

[Many times, we say yes to God. But when God shows up - on His terms not ours, in His ways not our ways, we fizzle out and turn away. Before we feel conflicted within, know that He is our God of love, know that He sees your heart, and He sees you with eyes of love...]

Did I hear you say we are close?
But as I drew nearer
You wanted space
You almost pushed me away

So I watch you from a distance
From time to time
You open your heart
And beckon me to come

Because I love you
I came
Because this is Who I am
I drew near

Not because of what you have done
Or have not done
Or what you are going to do
Or what you are not going to do

But because I am a God of love
And because I see your heart
My love, my fair one
Come away...

When time stood still

[A time of comtemplation... consolidating months of thoughts and word from the Lord - both directly and also through others... A dedication of my heart to the One Who has captured my heart and my all in all..]

Everything around me hushes...
Only one pre-occupation on my mind
Only One captured my gaze

The grass withers and the flowers fall
But the word of the Lord
Stands firm forever

I do... I do love You
And go on loving You
Is what I want to do

In Your presence
It is as if time stood still
Be still and know that I am God...

As I turn my gaze
My heart stays resolute
More of You, less of me (I pray)

Till the day breaks
And the shadows flee away...
I will wait upon You, O my Strength, my Hope...

~ 19 July 2009

Scripture References:
Psalm 27:4
Isaiah 40:7
Matthew 22:37
Psalm 46:10
Songs 4:6

Monday, June 01, 2009

A Heart Response

[Day One... and so I dedicate my heart response to Him...]

"... being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ." ~ Phil 1:6

God, You're not done with us yet.

Not a chance. *grins* Never been so happy to know that... surprisingly...

Surprising... coz it's not about not being good enough or having failed. But it's about God being the One who is at work in our lives, and you bet He's going to do His part 100% to complete the work He has begun in each of us...

We will make you ornaments of gold
With studs of silver. ~ Songs 1:11

God (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is commited to my success - our lives, our ministries... Hands down... (aka win already =)

Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.
And in Your book they all were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them. ~ Psalm 139:16

Your eyes are still on us, the one that You have planted. And You have a destiny for us. You've written all about us, on the tablet of Your heart. You think about us...

God, You are at our head, and You are beckoning us to rise up and come away...

But we are still immature and weak. And so You spoke to our hearts - to go back to the basics (deeper yet), to take heed what we hear and how we hear, and yes, You who are at our Head, You will lead us in triumphant procession! (2Cor 2:14)

There is more... when human touches divine, we need strength in our inner man - to receive and to encounter and to be transformed into His likeness. Father! According to the riches of Your glory, strengthen us! (Eph 3:16-19) We want more! It is ours to lay hold of! Give it to us!

Poor in the spirit we come... a realization of our deep poverty - that we have settled for less when we could have more. Turning to the One who alone can satisfy, we press in... till the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force (Matt 11:12). It is our inheritance and portion - to know You deeper, what is in Your will, and our destiny in You...

And so we press in... with eyes of confidence, affection and lovesickness, on You, the One at our Head, seeking for a breaking in and breaking through of God in our lives. (Micah 2:13)

Contend O Bride of Christ! That you may count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus your Lord... and count them as rubbish, that you may gain Christ...

We will remember Your love, that is better than wine, better than life... We will remember that it is in Your heart to build the House of Prayer here in Singapore. What an honor! You have chosen us to lay the foundation in this time, to be that flickering flame that You will sustain, to be the voice in the wilderness, preparing the way. Most of all, we have uncovered a treasure in the midst of it all... that You O God, are our shield and exceedingly great reward... (Gen 15:1) You O Lord, are our portion and our inheritance... (Num 18:20)

Monday, May 04, 2009

God is shaking, what is He saying? Hear!

[Red alert! Going deep in God is not an option!]

Looking around us, it does not take much wisdom or PhD to tell that God is shaking...

Global economic crisis -- Big brothers in the financial sector declaring bankruptcy that made impact on the world economy... Swine flu (or recently re-named Influenza A... means there just could be Influenza B, C and so on?!? or just giving the birds and pigs a break...) leaving the world sitting up and ready for an impending pandemic...

And if your memory does not fail you, here are some major catastrophe that hit Asia in recent years, just to name a few, that took away many lives:
* the cyclone in Myanmar
* the earthquake that shook Sichuan (China)
* the Tsunami in Thailand in Dec 2004

So what about this series of events? What does it tell us? More so, as children of the living God, what should we do in response to these events?

In the bible, we learn that there are seven elements that God is shaking: Heaven, Earth, Sea, Dry land, All nations, Gold & silver (economy) and the temple (church). Haggai 2:7 reveals the purpose of the shaking -- that all will turn to Him...

In the light of the things happening around us, we must not adopt the ostrich mentality as if everything will be better, neglecting what the Word of God says about what is happening and our role in the midst of it! We also need to carry our hearts right and not be offended or fearful.

We need to turn to God, grow in our understanding of what He is saying/doing and know our role, we can be confident and rise up in such a time as this! Like the sons of Isaachar, 1Chron12:32 -- we need to have 'understanding of the times', and 'know what we ought to do'!

Why is it important WHAT you hear?
Matt 24:4-5 says "Take heed that no one deceives you"... dude, you got to hear the right stuff! "Many will come in Jesus' name, saying "I am the Christ,' and will deceive many." It will happen, and will you hear the right things? In the face of so many voices, we need to know what God is saying!

Mark 4:24 Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.

In Mark 4:9-11, after Jesus has told the parable of the sower to his disciples, He says "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." God is speaking and we are the ones hearing... This is the context. We can know the mystery of the kingdom!

Jesus then goes on in verses 13-20 to explain the parable, ending with verses 21-23, exhorting those who hear to be a voice of God.

Through the parable of the sower, Jesus speaks of the way the word (seed) was received, it's corresponding end result, what we hear and 3 warnings + 1 blessing.

Why is it important HOW you hear?

Luke 8:18 Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”

Very often, the condition of our heart determines what we hear. What is the condition of your heart right now? That will determine how you hear what God is saying!

Going deep... What you should read / hear now...

If you would like to purchase a voice recording of the above topic, check out here!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

LEANing Bride

[When confusion sets in and frustrations overwhelm you, who do you run to? Who do you turn your thoughts to? Come before the magnificent One… Lean on Him and be lifted up…For a moment He shakes, but He will mold you and show you what remains in you that is precious in His sight…]

I am logical
But I’m also illogical
I am organized
But I’m also disorganized

What I think
What I see
Is imperfection
Is inconsistency

What do I uphold?
What do I stand for?
Only time can tell
Only wisdom can discern

Casting off remarks
Putting aside what I do not fully understand
One Audience remains
One Person I stand before
His searching eyes
His blazing gaze
Silenced my fretting
Melting away the confusion within
I will live to please Him
I will live to honor Him
Thanking Him for His grace
Praising Him for His ways

This is my cry
This is my prayer
To love as He love
To walk as He walk

To be close to Him
Near to His courts
To hear His heart’s cry
To see His power and His glory

A bride leaning on her bridegroom King
Overcoming goliaths
Leaping over the mountains
Tried and tested

Dark but lovely
Eyes on Him
There’s no other place I’d rather be
There’s no other Name I will praise

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