Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Day God called me Names...

When was the last time God called you names? I mean, names... as in hey beautiful, hi lovely one, Good morning my beloved one!

One fine day, He popped in and said, "You are like a cow".

I went like, what do you mean? A cow?!? I responded indignantly, happily chewing away... You see, I was chewing on the meditations in my heart, singing, pondering - one of those things I do while walking, while sitting on the bus, while spacing out etc...

Ok, I get you... I'm like a cow as in I like to chew. Ohhh.... So let's see... Cows have four stomachs!!

The Four Stomach Mystery
The cow has four stomachs and has a special way of eating . Its' digestive system allows it break down the tough food it eats.


1. cow swallows food
2. unchewed food goes to RUMEN and RETICULUM
3. cow stores food in RUMEN and RETICULUM
4. cow is now tired and rests
5. when she is hungry again she will cough up some unchewed food (called cud!)
6. it will chew it completely and swallow it again
7. the cud goes to OMASUM and ABOMASUM
8. in OMASUM and ABOMASUM food is fully digested
9. some of the digested food goes into blood
10. from blood it gets to the UDDER
11. Yap, that's how we get milk!!!!

See picture here

My favourite is step 4 :p I sometimes stop short at step 5.5 and forget the next step :p (distracted by the moomoorings around me). My target is step 11!!! Yay!! I mean Moo!!

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