[Meditating on the whole counsel of God has caused me to be speechless, blown away and erm... plastered to a wall. I am left dumbfounded, in pieces (and wanting) and un-scrappable (from the wall, that is). And I'm just at the tip of the iceberg... I'm so waiting for myself to get over it, in a good sense, and go deeper, seeking more understanding and revelation.
The whole counsel of God, as what I recently heard from a teaching, speaks of what God has done for us, what He is about to do (shortly) and what will happen in eternity. My whole mindset of Christianity has been so skewed to knowing "one-third" of the good news of the gospel that I'm prying my mind and heart to seek the other "two-thirds" of the good news. Not that I have attained full knowledge and understanding of the one-third.. but seeing the fullness of the good news is simply awesome... beautiful!
Praise be unto God who Himself is revealing more and more of the good news to the Church. He who changes times and seasons, removes kings and raises up kings, gives wisdom to the wise, knowledge to those who have understanding (Dan 2:21) is unravelling His beauty... May we behold this beauty... all the days of our life.. This song is a heart-response to the whole counsel of God, as I heard it... may I live for the day of His coming...]
Intro: D E
King of kings, Lord of host
He's coming in the clouds in that day
Jesus, our Bridegroom God
His searching eyes are looking for His bride
(So) I live for the day of His coming
I rejoice, be glad, make myself ready
And enter into the joy of the Lord
And reign with Him eternally
I live for the day of His coming
I rejoice, be glad, give Him the glory
Forsaking it all, be found at His feet
O Lord, keep my heart burning
The Spirit and the Bride say 'Come'
The Spirit and the Bride say 'Come'
Come Lord Jesus....
(And) I live for the day of Your coming
I rejoice, be glad make myself ready
And enter into the joy of the Lord
And reign with You eternally
I live for the day of Your coming
I rejoice, be glad, give Him the glory
Forsaking it all, be found at Your feet
O Lord, keep this fire burning...