What a blast!
I had such a good time at the teaching session at the House of Prayer yesterday. I was one of the victims of the flu virus and drugged with a cold tablet. I geared myself up to take in whatever I can despite my screen saver mode cum oh-come-on-it's-been-a-week-since-I've-been-coughing-when-am-I-going-to-get-well-mode... O_o Furthermore, I must admit I am pretty detached from the topic that was going to be shared - erm... God's purpose for... Egypt... There's been much news about Egypt in the media and I happen to be one of those who couldn't engage my heart with what's going on there. To me, it was "one of those political stuff" - not that I am apathetic about the situation, but I just can't seem to get it, let alone be affected by it or pray for them. And I repent!
I need to get the teaching CD to the Senior Writer to write an article on it...
Here are some lessons I gleaned from the teaching:
* It's about God's will and what He is doing... not just about Egypt or my one-week cough..
* Are we concerned about our Heavenly Father's business first and foremost?
* Getting the order right - seek to know God's big plan and fit our lives/ministries/career/etc around it. Revelation -> Alignment -> (more) Revelation -> (more) Alignment... and it goes on..
* God has set many things in place since the beginning of time and He Himself is going to make it happen!! It's awesome! assuring! totally cool! Egypt's gonna play a major part in God's End-Time plan (ultimate fulfilment of Isaiah 19) and what's happening now could be a partial fulfilment and we need to pray for God's will be done in Egypt!
* Now this is something:
- Egypt is the most talked about gentile nation in the End-Time
(which means God wants us to pay attention to this).
- The Scripture has the most number of biblical End-Time prophecies about Egypt.
(Why? Simply because, I repeat, Egypt is going to play a major part in God's End-Time plan! And what does this mean for us - the church/people of God in Singapore? We need to seek understanding and partner with God in prayer to bring it to pass! I skip any elaboration here on why God needs us earthlings to pray...)
* Throughout history (time of Joseph, Abraham, Moses, Joseph), Egypt has ALWAYS stood with Israel. Gen 12:10, Gen 46, Matt. 2:13-15, Acts 3, Deut. 18.
* In modern day Egypt, we see them standing with Israel.
* In the End-Time (final 7 years of human history before Jesus' return), which is the context for Isaiah 19, Egypt will provide a place of refuge for Israel! There will be 5 cities of refuge and Houses of Prayer in Egypt set up for such a time as this! Isa.19:18-19
* And because of Egypt's faithfulness (behind it all is all God's doing!), Egypt is going to be the FIRST nation to turn completely to Jesus and FIRST nation to enter into the Millenial Kingdom! Now this is ultimate!!!!
* On a more sober note... Egypt will go through really really tough times, in standing with and defending Israel. In the End-Times, antichrist will overcome Egypt (God allows that to refine her - it's called redemptive discipline) and Egypt will come under the temporary rule of antichrist for a period of time (God allows it. Yes, you get the point). Dan.11:32, 40-45. All these must happen so as to prepare Egypt for her End-Time purposes.
* The sober note is the realisation that the higher the destiny God has for you, the greater the refiner's fire will come your way. Gulps.
* Isa.19:1-15 talks about the negatives of God's plan for Egypt - God's redemptive discipline on Egypt so as to prepare her for her End-Time purposes.
* Isa. 19:16-25 talks about the positives of God's plan for Egypt - there are 5 "in that day" prophetic declaration of Egypt... can't wait to internalise this and start praying for them!
If this has set you wanting to know more, email OneThingMinistries@yahoo.com.sg to get hold of the teaching recording! Or watch this space for an article on this!