Monday, June 28, 2010

Carrying Our Hearts... well..

As we weather through the storms of life, major or just trivial, our thoughts and our emotions are evoked. While we handle these situations / people based on our existing set of values and outlook, some incidents can impact us to view or handle things and people differently.

A consistent question I would always ask myself would be - how should I carry my heart? Surely I want to ride on the ups and downs to grow my heart, and not allow situations and people to embitter or shrink my heart. Above all else, I want to guard my heart, for it is the wellspring of life...

I've held on to a few principles in managing situations and people (including myself!):

1) Giving people / situations the Benefit of Doubt
There are ok days and there are also off days. I constantly remind myself not to take things personally and to give grace to myself and others. i.e. to overlook offenses. Quoting from Proverbs 19:11 - "A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense." and Proverbs 12:16, "A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult."

However, if there is a consistent pattern (of attitude or negative behaviour) that raises a concern, I will weigh the pros and cons before confronting the issue (with myself or others). Certain issues can be dealt in a 'roundabout' way. Other times, it will take a deliberate effort. I will hesitate to say or do anything if the parties concerned are not in my inner circle of influence. Why so? Because my good advice may just fall on deaf ears. Worse still, my intentions may be misunderstood.

2) What is the Main Issue?
This outlook helps me see the big picture and not be too caught up with the 'rights' and 'wrongs'. Once I see the main point or in mandarin they call it zhong dian, all things will somehow will fall into place. However, it takes two to clap - both you and the party (ies) invovled need to be open to see the big picture and not be over calculative about who-said-what and who's-at-fault etc. Of course the apt sorry's are necessary too.

3) Timing - knowing when to talk and when to be silent
There are some things that does not get better even if you work at it - talk through or explain or clarify. When we give time, events may unfold to vindicate yourself. However, sometimes things are swept under the carpet till another episode rakes it up (which is unfortunate if things are still unresolved).

Through it all, I ask God to grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

If Your Presence does not go with us...

I did not have such audacity to speak those words... Nor the right heart to speak thus... until I fell facedown... yes I'll fall facedown... as Your glory shines all around...

God, if Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here... we will not go on... because we cannot go on without Your manifest Presence with us. We will not go on... we cannot just go on like this... we do not want to do this without Your manifest Presence with us!

For how then will it be known that we have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? For how then will it be known that what You have spoken to us is Your word for the now? For how then will it be known that this is the very thing that's burning in Your heart?

Raise up the House of Prayer in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David, 24-7! In Singapore! For You are worthy of our worship, our hearts, our all... More than a place, we ask for the I-H-O-P people, people who respond in living out a Joel 2 lifestyle. Bring in the musicians, worship leaders, singers and intercessors, to do this 24-7 and set the fire on the altar burning day and night... That all may know and see the sign of Your coming. That all may have understanding of Your heart and what You are about to do...

So we shall be separate... set apart...from all the people who are upon the face of the earth. May the worship and intercession rise to You as a sweet aroma... as we burn, stand and minister before You... as we tarry with You, for the very things on Your heart... to come to pass O Lord, in our day, in our time. We tarry in faith, believing in Your Word. We tarry in hope, holding fast to our confession that Jesus is coming soon, with His reward for His saints. We tarry in love, for the Wedding day is coming...

~ Exo 33:15-16

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What is Prayer all about?

1-sentence version... Prayer is about spending time with God and talking to Him.

3-point version... Prayer is about waiting, longing, hastening...

I'm waiting... cos God told us to...we got to give hear, understand why and do something about it... In Isa 40:31, we read how as one waits upon the Lord, they are renewed. Acts 2 recounted to us the active waiting by the disciples, gathering in one accord.

The waitings were anchored in a Hope...

Isa 40 expounds on the Hope of all mankind - our everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth, who neither faints nor is weary, whose understanding is unsearchable, who gives power to the weak, who increases strength in those who have no might. Oh, who is like You, O Lord!

Acts 2 tells of the returning Hope, Jesus, the reason of their waiting. This Jesus, whom the disciples see taken up into the heavens and was told that in the same manner, He is coming back soon (Acts 1:11).

So they waited... they pressed in... some gave up... some continued to wait for who can dismiss the Hope that is anchored in their hearts? Though sometimes it does take a major effort in keeping with the waiting. It is not automatic. Desire if not followed through with effort, leaves us 'comfortable' and dull. O God, draw us in! Do not let us grow faint..

I'm longing... cos I've experienced His love and know that He is coming back, for me, for us, for love. You know, it's one thing to love God, it's another to love God and be lovesick for God. The former is sweet, the latter is sweet yet totally uncomfortable. Uncomfortable cos if you are lovesick, you will do something to go deep, to pursue, even if it seems foolish in the eyes of man...
Heb 11:16 - "...but now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country..." The men of faith were longing for God and His kingdom. For they somehow know, be it from afar or from anear, that there is a better than...

A longing heart spurs a life lived by Faith...

What is a picture of a life lived by faith? ... subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong,became valiant inn battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens ... erm, you may not like this, had trial of mockings and scourgings, of chains and imprisonment, they were stoned... sawn in two, were tempted, were slain with the sword.. wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted and tormented...

... of whom the world was not worthy...

I don't know what went through your mind as you read their experiences. Surreal perhaps?They probably understood what Jesus meant when He said in Matthew 5:10-12, "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven..."

I'm hastening... cos I want to rise up in maturity in love and partnership with the Holy Spirit to do what God wants to do...

Hastening is probably the biggest paradigm shift I had regarding prayer. It blows my mind to know that God needs our prayers to do what He wants to do! I mean, God, in all his almighty and divine and limitless ability, created a 'dependance' within his nature - a dependance on men's prayer! In my own puny mind, I liken prayer of men to the scoreboard in an arcade game. Some hits, some misses, and somehow it totals up to 'enough' and wham, God moves. It all counts, for the misses were necessary in getting the hits alrighty.

Just keep praying, yes, and unceasingly! Rev 8:3-5 recounts for us the awesome heavenly activities when the heavenly incense + the prayer of the saints set into motion God's trumpet-judgment series. It is my favourite passage in the book of revelation - Rev 8:1-6 - especially the part where there was silence in heaven for about half an hour... silence cos something serious and intense is about to take place... selah... *gasp*... may I be found on God's side in that hour...

I'm reminded of a chorus line from the IHOP prayer room - And I miss You Jesus and I want You to come back... oh, may we engage our hearts in Love with our coming bridegroom God, who is lovesick for us...

So in the meantime, in this time of waiting, longing and hastening, God is preparing me. As I open my heart to Him, He is yanking out the things that stand in the way (OUCH!!!). In this time of waiting, He lets me know Him more - what is in His heart and what He is about to do... Sometimes I understand, but most times I don't... which means most times I am crying out for revelation, and at the same time reciting prayers from my head, and let God do the work of letting it sink into my whole being.

Oh God, how I long to know your heart and your mind more, so I can be mature in love and effective in what You want me to do... Even when I blew it, time and time again, You never gave up on me. How can I not love You O Lord... in love and lovesick for You... Be it unto me, that wherever I am, whatever I am doing, that the one pre-occupation of my heart and mind is on You and Your Kingdom!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Set Apart - an offering that is pleasing to God

[How often do we take coming before God for granted, even times, going through motion, almost forgetting why we first want to come before him? Fret not... Pause... let the searchlight of God sweep through your heart and offer your lives afresh, tell Him how much you want to bring Him an offering that pleases Him, for that is what He is looking for... He delights in the movements of our heart, not the works of our hands...]

Come into my garden
And take delight in me
Have Your way in me, I pray

Blow upon my garden
Come... north wind
Come! south wind

That its spices may flow out
Till I'm perfected in love... with You and You alone
Till I'm total in obedience... ever before You

Hearts burning
Set apart for You
To burn, to gaze, to draw near

This is Your vineyard
You tended it and caused it to grow
Come and eat of its fruits

A work of Your grace
Not by might nor by power
But formed by Your spirit

Come into Your garden
And take delight in me
I'm Yours... I'm Yours... All Yours...

Let's rejoice and be glad
See the Light in my eyes
See The Wedding that is to come!

[Scripture references]
1 John 4:18 - "Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment; because as He is, so are we in this world."

Songs 4:16 - 5:1
Awake, O north wind,
And come, O south!
Blow upon my garden,
That its spices may flow out.
Let my beloved come to his garden
And eat its pleasant fruits.

I have come to my garden, my sister, my spouse;
I have gathered my myrrh with my spice;
I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey;
I have drunk my wine with my milk.

My Soul Sings...

[It's just a little while longer... Till i'll see You... Till I'll know You...Till we'll be together...]

Open my eyes and see
The wonderful mystery of love
Falling into You
I'm drawn to the gravity of love, love, love

We're standing still
In a moment of eternity
Where worlds collide
And I feel the breath of heaven over me

My soul sings
My so-oul sings
My soul sings
How I love You

Open the page and see
The wonderful history of love, love
I start and end with You
I'm pulled to the gravity of love, love, love

We're standing still
In a moment of eternity
Where worlds collide
And I feel the breath of heaven over me

Monday, June 07, 2010

Uncomfortable Comfort

After some good months of reading the bible diligently, I felt a sense of restlessness – in a good way.

I was restless because I seem to be gaining a lot of information and knowledge (which I’m thankful for), yet my heart was not stirred in a corresponding measure.

There seems to be a ‘block’ somewhere inside of me – while my mind is being renewed and amazed with what I’m (cognitively) learning, I needed to remove the ‘block’ that will stir my heart and inner-man.

It all became clearer why I was passively ‘resisting’ the removal of this ‘block’ when I was listening to a teaching. The topic was on the global prayer movement at the End-of-the-Age. It was the message for the now! It was what the Holy Spirit is orchestrating, in bringing the church to understanding God’s heart, in ushering in the return of Jesus and the age-to-come (eternity)! It was one of the messages where there is a very clear Amen in your heart... It's of God, from God and it is now!

My heart stirred. But interestingly, it was uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable. Uncomfortable because I know that if I were to respond to this stirring, my life will be turned upside down. You see, it was one of those messages that you clearly cannot listen and walk away living life business-as-usual. A sub-conscious block then entered my heart – it’s ok to just listen, don’t get too excited, it’s good teaching and that’s about it. And I felt comfortable again – cos nothing needs to change really, or so urgently.

That encounter with what’s happening inside of me left me astounded. Do I want an uncomfortable comfort, which has the true dose of reality or am I just contented with a comfortable comfort and just cruise in life... void of God? >_<

Oh Lord, You are a God who is faithful and full of mercy! According to your great love and surpassing mercy, blot out my blocks… I repent for passively resisting your Word of Truth for the hour, so that I can do my own things and cruise.

But in this hour, the Spirit of God is guiding us to seeing what You are doing. I do not see! I do not know! I ask for grace to strengthen my resolve to press in for understanding and live a life of obedience to Your truth and what the Spirit of God is saying, even if it is uncomfortable. I ask for wisdom in living out what You have called me to – to be and to do.

Do not let me go! Do not let me stay where I am! Until I become fully mature in love and partnership with Jesus. You are the vine, we are the branches. Even when it gets uncomfortable in this pruning, I say yes to You!

Create in me a stirring that I will watch and pray. Strike my heart like a hammer, like a fire, that I may speak forth Your word!

In Jesus' Name I pray... Amen!

It's ok to fail... but have we learnt?

Many of us have in one way or another, set out to do something… but failed.

The something could be range from something on a small scale, like learning a skill or language, to something of a bigger scale such as starting a company.

Whatever the scale of the ‘something’ that we have started out to do but somehow failed, one thing remains the same – it’s about learning from our failures and mistakes.

Have we learnt from our setbacks?

What lessons can we glean from our failures that can strengthen us in our resolve going forward – be it to start another something or living out various aspects in our lives?

We’ll become wiser, if only we learn it right.
We’ll become bitter or foolish or both, if we take the ‘blame-something/one-else’ route.
We’ll become neutral, if we sweep it away and not deal with it head on.


It grips my heart whenever I read the letters God commissioned John to write to the churches in Asia in the book of Revelation. The letters reflect the heart conditions of the church and Jesus calling them to respond… If it is a letter from God, we not only need to read it, but also take heed and respond…

Do you know we can be laboring for Christ’s sake, YET lost our first love for Jesus?

Do you know we can be holding fast to God’s name, not denying our faith in the very darkness of the hour, increasing in our works, love, service, faith and long suffering in Christ, YET holding on to wrong doctrines and thus falling into immorality and idolatry?

Do you know that we can be popularly known as one that’s ‘alive and vibrant’, YET in God’s eyes, we are ‘dead’?

Do you know that we can be deceived to think that we are rich and are in plenty, not needing anything, YET we are actually wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked - very much in want in everyway?

I don’t know what went through your mind as you read Rev. chapters 2 & 3. Pause and think. We could be doing all the ‘right things’ but are they right in the eyes of God?

Why is God saying all these? And even more so now?

God loves us enough not to leave us where we are. Many of us start out with a sincere heart, but along the way, we become ‘something/one else’. God in all His wisdom, knows that He needs to continue to work in us.

But to make things work, we need to respond and co-operate. May the God grant us the spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of what is on His heart... that we may respond...

He who has an ear, let Him hear what the Spirit says…
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