It all began with diligence in seeking understanding of the times we are in. I attempted to study the charts on the 70-weeks prophecy which God gave Daniel in Dan. 9. I seek to be like the sons of Isaachar, understanding the times and knowing what we ought to do. (2Chron. 12:32).
One of the chart traces the events leading up the Jesus’ second coming. It involves 3 prophetic (i.e. future) time frames in the last days – beginning of birth pangs (like how a pregnant woman would feel), the 7-years of the final history of mankind on earth (the final week) and the events leading to the Age-to-come.
I had lost count on the number of times I studied the chart… though I do remember quite vividly that most attempts were pretty technical and somewhat futile (leaving me exasperated) – especially when I just tried to memorize the facts, so I can get it right and well, say it right. On hindsight, they were not wasted attempts. I just had to keep re-visiting it (albeit the anguish and coming to terms with the I-thought-I-knew-it-but-I-really-don’t moments) and keep asking for the spirit of revelation to enlighten my eyes to see and open my heart to understand.
Setting my heart for understanding…
Yes, like Daniel, I set my heart for understanding (Dan. 10:12). When it’s uphill, I will press in till I am maxed out. Then I will take a break and study other topics in the bible, and revisit it (the charts) when I am ready. That’s what a friend taught me. It worked! Well, I’ll leave it to another day to blog about the 70-weeks prophecy. Studying the charts, with the help of our divine Guide – the Holy Spirit, has left me standing in awe of the certainty of God’s plan for mankind, his all-surpassing wisdom and impeccable leadership. In other words, it just means my jaw has dropped. Where's my jaw now? I can’t find it...or rather I have no time to find it because I am still amazed every time I think about it. Save the picking up. I wonder… in heaven, do the saints have their mouths wide open in awe of the beautiful One? I wonder…
Here comes the main part…
So much for the introduction… now moving on to the main gist of why I entitle this post – I am not God’s second choice.
Have you ever read Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation for everyone who believes, first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.”
First for the Jew, then for the Gentile… Reading this statement leaves me with two major questions. Firstly, what does this mean? Why first for the Jew (them?), then for the Gentile (me?). Bible study tells me that salvation came to us through a people group that God has chosen. And because of their rejection of the gospel, salvation came to us who believe.
Ouch… Is this...I mean... is this the good news? How come it comes with a feeling of… well… erm... I am... I am the ...‘second choice’… They don’t want it, so here it is, it’s yours if you believe. That’s what my human understanding tells me.
Skip... Next question... So am I, are we Gentiles, thus God’s 'second choice'?
I never had a chance to fully grasp the answers. I think I just glossed over it, thinking even if I am the second choice, God is good and He is God and is ‘kind enough’ to offer me His salvation when I choose to believe, so don’t ‘complain’ or think too much. Sigh… so superficial right? Or maybe I'm too afraid to find out the answers. Or too laid back to press in to know God more. Thank God He never let me go…
When I recently studied the 70-weeks prophecy again in the book of Daniel (remember I mentioned this in my long introduction?), I asked myself, so what is this 70-weeks prophecy about? I found out that it is God’s salvation plan for Israel, where they will once again receive their Messiah into their land and into their hearts. And as I delved deeper into the events in the prophetic time frames, my heart stirred as I understood how God’s salvation plan for Israel and the Gentile nations will unfold. I was astounded and could identify with what Paul said in Romans 11:33,
“Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!
For who has known the mind of the LORD?
Or who has become His counselor?
Or who has first given to Him and it shall be repaid to him?
For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to whom be glory forever. Amen.”
So I was led to read Romans 9-11 again. I was intrigued and wooed by the Holy Spirit to dig deeper... That’s where the answers to my two questions (which I have long forgotten and placed on the back burner) unfolded. God, mind you, did not forget my questions. He was probably waiting for me to grow in my understanding before He can unravel more truths to me.
The (mind-blowing) answers to my questions…
You see, I have read through Romans 9-11 many times. Yes, even sat under an enlightening teaching of the topic 'Understanding Israel' where Romans 9-11 were extensively covered. I say this to emphasize that what we read, hear, take heed and keep in our hearts, God will give Eureka! moments down the road and help us understand and go deeper. And that just wows our heart, doesn't it?
It is apparent that God's salvation plan for Israel is pivotal in the 70-weeks prophecy. The Mastermind of the whole plan, had it all worked out, yes, right from the beginning. That's why it is called prophecy. The saints of old received the word concerning the future (prophecy). The word is fulfilled in our time. Some have happened, while others have yet to come.
First question answered - As Gentiles, it is critical to re-connect with God's purposes for Israel. Only by understanding and contending for God's purposes for Israel will we ourselves enter in God's purposes. Through Israel's rejection of God, the salvation plan of Gentiles came into effect (Rom. 9:25)!
Though Israel has rejected their Messiah and is subjected to judgment, God has reserved a remnant in Israel so that God will space the world of (more) judgment because of the remnant (Rom.9:28). Thus the current state of Israel's rejection of their Messiah is a picture of a group of people pursuing the law and not seeking God by faith. They have a zeal for God that is not according to knowledge or truth.
Thus God will provoke Israel to jealousy by raising up a nation (who is not a nation) (Rom. 10:19) for God has not given up on Israel. What's more... Rom. 11:12 tells us, "Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more is their fullness!"
Woa... So this is it. Recognise God's way of bringing salvation to all, through a people group. The mystery of Israel is seen here - their rejection of the gospel of salvation has led to salvation coming to the Gentiles who believe. So it explains why 'first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.' It is because of Israel that salvation came to us! This may sound the same as my understanding during bible study, but there's an exclamation mark now, because I encountered this truth in my heart!
Second question answered - The blindness of Israel (from the gospel of salvation), is ordained by God! God planned it! When I internalised this truth, I had a realisation that I am not God's second choice. Not at all! He had me in mind. All the time! He did not leave me out in His plan only to add me in when someone else vacated a space. He planned it all.
Rom. 11:8 "God has given them a spirit of stupor, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear, to this very day."
Rom. 11:25-26, "... that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved.."
And what's more. It's not just about Israel, not just about the Gentile nations... but it's about God and his plan for us to transit us into the Age-to-come. It's all about God! I can't even write anymore (pause) because this understanding surpassed me and blows me away!
My response...
When these truths hit me, I cried hard... I cried long... I said to God, "Can I dwell in this truth longer? Because for so many years I felt I was like a second choice to You, when all along, I am Your choice. I am in your plan. You are thinking about me. You have me in your mind and heart, in a way that I didn't and couldn't understand. I just want to dwell in this truth..."
I am touched that God is always there for me in a way that I could not fathom. How did He feel when I couldn't understand His heart for me? Oh how He must have reached out to me and loved me in ways that I didn't know and couldn't understand why He did what He did (the left hand aka invisible activities of God!). I couldn't understand because here I was feeling like 'second choice' when He was treating me like His treasured possession. I cried hard cos I could feel the shame of being a second choice before God, and that was being wiped away in that split second, forever.
Second question answered - The blindness of Israel (from the gospel of salvation), is ordained by God! God planned it! When I internalised this truth, I had a realisation that I am not God's second choice. Not at all! He had me in mind. All the time! He did not leave me out in His plan only to add me in when someone else vacated a space. He planned it all.
Rom. 11:8 "God has given them a spirit of stupor, eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear, to this very day."
Rom. 11:25-26, "... that blindness in part has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved.."
And what's more. It's not just about Israel, not just about the Gentile nations... but it's about God and his plan for us to transit us into the Age-to-come. It's all about God! I can't even write anymore (pause) because this understanding surpassed me and blows me away!
My response...
When these truths hit me, I cried hard... I cried long... I said to God, "Can I dwell in this truth longer? Because for so many years I felt I was like a second choice to You, when all along, I am Your choice. I am in your plan. You are thinking about me. You have me in your mind and heart, in a way that I didn't and couldn't understand. I just want to dwell in this truth..."
I am touched that God is always there for me in a way that I could not fathom. How did He feel when I couldn't understand His heart for me? Oh how He must have reached out to me and loved me in ways that I didn't know and couldn't understand why He did what He did (the left hand aka invisible activities of God!). I couldn't understand because here I was feeling like 'second choice' when He was treating me like His treasured possession. I cried hard cos I could feel the shame of being a second choice before God, and that was being wiped away in that split second, forever.
"How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
How great is the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand'
When I awake, I am still with You." ~ Psalm 139:17-18
God thinks about me... Oh how often He thinks about me... I can't even count how many million billion times... more than a cuppa sand grains I can hold in my hands... My heart just melts in the revelation of this truth...
And now I stand tall, yet humble before the all wise God. I can, like what my friend says, walk around with my chest out (ting xiong zhuo ren) because I am God's choice. It feels great. And I stand with my older brother, Israel, in yearning for and looking forward to greater days ahead, growing in deeper understanding of God's heart in His salvation plan for Israel and the nations as the Day draws nearer, and partnering with God to usher in the finest hour for the saints.
By the way, hope you don't mind my 'drop-jaw' look. It's cool you know =)
By the way, hope you don't mind my 'drop-jaw' look. It's cool you know =)