Meet me halfway
Across the road
Lest I grow weary
Lest I grow faint, I pray
I'll come near
Nearer than you thought
Just by your side
And lead you by My right hand, He says
What God is this
That He would come so near
What King of mine
Who stooped so low and lifted me up (Psalm 18:35)
He raises the poor from the dust (1 Sam 1:8)
And lifts the begger from the ash heap
To set them among princes
And make them inherit the throne of glory
I say meet me halfway
He says I'll come just for you
All the way
All for love
He is the wind beneath my wings
He is my strength when I am weak
He is my voice when I couldn't speak
He saw the best there was in me
Till I see Him face to face
Till I join Him in His glory
I will rise
And I will run
All the way
Forging ahead, hearts ablaze
For Jesus, my Great Reward