Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prophetic Song - David Brymer, Misty Edwards, and Jacob Hanley

Everything I do, I do for You, My Love
I open my heart...

All that I do, I do for You, My Love...
My heart is open to You
My heart is forever open

I will return to My First Love
It was better (for me) there
Jealous... jealousy... come lay hold of me
Jealous... jealousy... come lay hold of me

Mine is a love that will never let you go...
I'm married to a harlot
My love will make her pure
I will beautify her
I will make her all mine
I will make all things news
Beauty for your ashes
Joy for all your mourning

Love me, wash me, make me new...
Here I am

For I can't get away, can't get away, from Your Love

Beautiful Mercy - by Laura Hackett

There is no pit too deep that Jesus cannot reach

There is no sorrow so strong that would overtake His beloved one


And He’s brought me to the wilderness where I will learn to sing

And He lets me know my barrenness so I will learn to lean


Beautiful Mercy, do what You have to do

Jealous Lover, do what You have to do


So I will sing; yes, I will sing

I will sing, even in this brokenness

I will sing, even in this loneliness

Sunday, November 22, 2009

When You Called My Name...

[So often we come before God's presence, so un-awaken and un-aware of His deep love and longing for us. We get caught up with the "do-ing" and lost sight of the "be-ing". Thanks be to God! He watches over us and reminds us of who we are, and calls us - the people of One Thing. More than that, the touch and presence of the God who calls us overwhelm us - re-aligning us to what is in His heart and strengthening our resolve to run the race set before us...
It is not about which ministry or church we are in... it's about God's people of One Thing - Psalm 27:4, Luke 10:38-42, Phil 3:7-14 - people who have this DNA and living it out in faith and obedience, wherever they are, whatever God has called them to do...]

This is who I am
This is the reason I live
The reason I breathe

How can I forget?
How can I run away?
You are always watching over me

There is a stirring in my heart
There is a fire burning
My heart awakens... when You called my name

What is this striving, O my soul?
What is this unrest within me?
When all You want is my heart, my love

I am alive! No longer living-dead
I am captivated! No longer going through motion
Stir up a passion for Your Name, I pray

You came and gently touched my heart
You spoke and called my name
Awakening zeal, passion, fire in my heart

Once again I turn to You
Once again I say I am Yours
Falling in love with my Beloved, my Bridegroom King, all over again

When You called my name
When You drew near
Nothing else matters

Everything fades away
Everything pales in comparison
This is who I am... when You call my name

You breathed, and the world came into being
You spoke, and my spirit stirred within me
I will arise, and run with You

Draw me away
Draw me close by Your side
We will remember Your love more than wine...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Among those whom God hears and answers

[There must be something about Noah, Daniel, Job, Moses, Aaron and Samuel... something that they did (and lived) right... that in God's fury, He would relent, that when they spoke, God answered them and showed them wonderful things from His heart...]

Ezk 14:12, 19
The word of the LORD came again to me, saying: "Son of man, when a land sins against Me by persistent unfaithfulness, I will stretch out My hand against it; I will cut off its supply of bread, send famine on it, and cut off man and beast from it. Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness," says the Lord GOD.

"Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out My fury on it in blood, and cut off from it man and beast, even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live," says the Lord GOD, "they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness."

Psalm 99:6
Moses and Aaron were among His priests,
And Samuel was among those who called upon His name;
They called upon the LORD, and He answered them.
He spoke to them in the cloudy pillar;
They kept His testimonies and the ordinances He gave them.
You answered them, O LORD our God...

Sunday, November 08, 2009

No Lack

[The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want (or I shall have no lack)... what does this mean? The key is when the Lord is the Lord of our lives, we shall have no lack... sounds simple yet profound..]

Word of the Lord on 7-11-2009:

I am Your Good Shepherd
I am Your Great Leader
Do not fear
For I am with you
I'll not leave you nor forsake you

Trust in Me
I'll lead you in the way of everlasting
And in me you will have no lack
And in me surely goodness and mercy
Will follow you all the days of your life

I will kiss your heart
And cause you to experience My great love
And I'll pour out My grace on you
To empower you
For My grace is sufficient

When circumstances in our lives spell a 'lack' - be it a unfufilled dream, a lost child, a sickness or a hope deferred... we press in to God, for He is more than able, and He is our Shepherd. We approach Him in confidence because He is a God we sees us and knows us, even before a word is on our lips, He knows it...

When we lay hold of God, we'll find that.... we have no lack... cos we have Him. We have Him leading us, we have Him watching over us, we have Him with us in our journey... yes, truly, we have no lack, when we put the Lord, the Lord of all!
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