Looking around us, it does not take much wisdom or PhD to tell that God is shaking...
Global economic crisis -- Big brothers in the financial sector declaring bankruptcy that made impact on the world economy... Swine flu (or recently re-named Influenza A... means there just could be Influenza B, C and so on?!? or just giving the birds and pigs a break...) leaving the world sitting up and ready for an impending pandemic...
And if your memory does not fail you, here are some major catastrophe that hit Asia in recent years, just to name a few, that took away many lives:
* the cyclone in Myanmar
* the earthquake that shook Sichuan (China)
* the Tsunami in Thailand in Dec 2004
So what about this series of events? What does it tell us? More so, as children of the living God, what should we do in response to these events?
In the bible, we learn that there are seven elements that God is shaking: Heaven, Earth, Sea, Dry land, All nations, Gold & silver (economy) and the temple (church). Haggai 2:7 reveals the purpose of the shaking -- that all will turn to Him...
In the light of the things happening around us, we must not adopt the ostrich mentality as if everything will be better, neglecting what the Word of God says about what is happening and our role in the midst of it! We also need to carry our hearts right and not be offended or fearful.
We need to turn to God, grow in our understanding of what He is saying/doing and know our role, we can be confident and rise up in such a time as this! Like the sons of Isaachar, 1Chron12:32 -- we need to have 'understanding of the times', and 'know what we ought to do'!
Why is it important WHAT you hear?
Matt 24:4-5 says "Take heed that no one deceives you"... dude, you got to hear the right stuff! "Many will come in Jesus' name, saying "I am the Christ,' and will deceive many." It will happen, and will you hear the right things? In the face of so many voices, we need to know what God is saying!
Mark 4:24 Then He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.
In Mark 4:9-11, after Jesus has told the parable of the sower to his disciples, He says "He who has ears to hear, let him hear." God is speaking and we are the ones hearing... This is the context. We can know the mystery of the kingdom!
Jesus then goes on in verses 13-20 to explain the parable, ending with verses 21-23, exhorting those who hear to be a voice of God.
Through the parable of the sower, Jesus speaks of the way the word (seed) was received, it's corresponding end result, what we hear and 3 warnings + 1 blessing.
Why is it important HOW you hear?
Luke 8:18 Therefore take heed how you hear. For whoever has, to him more will be given; and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.”
Very often, the condition of our heart determines what we hear. What is the condition of your heart right now? That will determine how you hear what God is saying!

Going deep... What you should read / hear now...

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